Love Horoscopes Are Luckiest For 3 Zodiac Signs Starting November 14

Love really is in the air, and we are ready to take a chance on it.

couple in lucky love on november 14, 2023 WikiImages from Pixabay, Scopio, Chikovnaya

Well, the spirit has finally started to kick in, and for three zodiac signs, that means that not only is there something fun to look forward to, but it also implies that during today's transit of Moon sextile Venus, love is in the air. Today is November 14, 2023, and we are ready to give love, share love, be loved and enjoy the full experience.

Because Moon sextile Venus is such a loving transit, if we've already got a partner to share the vibe with, it's even better. However, today also happens to be a good day for finding a partner, so if you've been looking, you may end up seeing that today was luckier than you thought, as this is the day that 'seals the deal' for many couples.




If you are one of the three zodiac signs mentioned here today, whether you are with someone or about to be with someone, you can know that there is nothing but goodness to look forward to. It's mid-November, and we see the rest of the year as an experience worth having. Love really is in the air, and we are ready to take a chance on it. Moon sextile Venus inspires good cheer and generosity of spirit. Let's use it well.


Love horoscopes are luckiest for three zodiac signs on November 14, 2023:

1. Aries 

(March 21 - April 19)

You're at the place where you no longer wish to make room for negativity, as it's taken enough out of you for what you feel is a lifetime. You are totally dedicated to feeling good about your life, about yourself and about the person you are with. On November 14, 2023, during the loving transit of Moon sextile Venus, you will want to show that you are a 'stand up' person who can be trusted and lives up to their word.

What you'll find is that what you share with a loved one today has a purpose, and that is to let them know that you really are there for them. You are always happy to receive their love in return. You appreciate all they gave you, but today, during Moon sextile Venus, it is all about letting them know that it's not about you — it's about them. You want to focus on making them happy. They are the 'object' of your affection today.

In giving, you receive, and it's always been this way for you. You are an extremely kind person — when you want to be, and it takes on new elements when that kindness is focused on someone you love, especially when that love is romantic. Today, you will find yourself deeply engaged in being with the one you love, and they will be thrilled by your presence in their life. This makes you happy.


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2. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

You may feel as though you haven't been as sweet as you usually are, and that bothers you a bit. Today, November 14, 2023, gives you the opportunity to get back to being yourself again. Hey, it happens; life brings us all a lot of stress, and in your case, the last few weeks have been rough. While you haven't been neglectful or anything too terrible, you do feel as though you haven't been loving enough to your partner, and as of today, that stops.

Your partner has not made mention of anything being wrong. You sense that you need to 'show up' a bit more in order to show them that, even though you've been stressed out, you're still here, in love, still ready to step up. During the transit of Moon sextile Venus, you will feel moved by love and suddenly, all your stress will melt away, leaving you in your original loving form. This is what you've needed ... a break from the tension and a person you can fall back on.


Your love life has always been good, and you know that it's all bout the check-ins and the maintenance. You have no reason to let anything fall to the wayside, and on this day, you'll see that all it takes is 'being present.' When you show your person that you really are there, even if you're stressed, they make room for you, and they accept you as you are. Today lets you know that you can breathe easily. Love is here.

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3. Leo 

(July 23 - August 22)

It doesn't take much to put you in a good mood today, Leo, as November 14, 2023, brings you the Moon sextile Venus, and that means all is well in your romantic life. You might be in touch with your generous side today, as this transit tends to bring out the 'gift giver' in many of us, so let's hope you've got the funds to support your desire to shower your partner in romantic presents, and yes, that does include flowers and chocolate.


You are particularly influenced by Moon sextile Venus because this transit reaches into you and taps into your sense of romance. You like feeling as though you have the opportunity to show what you're made of romantically, as life has a way of putting a halt to romantic gestures or putting romance itself on the back burner. Today gives you the impression that there's nothing to stop you in that regard. You choose to be romantic because there's nothing in your way.

There's also this feeling of hope and security in the air, which allows you to see your partnership with this person as something that continuously grows and evolves. You look forward to wherever this goes, and as of today, you want to ensure your partner knows you are there to stay. The flowers and chocolates idea is a keeper. You plan on returning for more and more, and you let them know this is what your intention is.

RELATED: Your Karmic Soulmate, Based On Your Moon Sign


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.