Horoscopes Are Rough For 3 Zodiac Signs On November 9 Thanks To Mercury Sextile Pluto

Mercury sextile Pluto helps us get to the bottom of things.

woman having a bad day

It would be wrong to say that this day is in any way 'negative,' but it may come with a few moments that have us standing back and wondering whether or not we are making the right moves. On November 9, 2023, we have the transit of Mercury sextile Pluto at our service, and it brings rough energy to three specific zodiac signs. While this event can be extremely helpful, it might also make three zodiac signs a little too helpful, if that makes sense.


What's happening during Mercury sextile Pluto is that we want to get to the bottom of things. We are super solution-oriented on this day, and while our pursuit of the truth and nothing but the truth is noble and valiant, we may end up pushing a little too hard, and that could make others around us feel uncomfortable.



We are looking at our desire to investigate and explore that which will bring us the truth we seek while dealing with the people around us who simply find us a bother. For three zodiac signs, we don't see ourselves as being too pushy or asking too much. Yet, we will be told over and over to move aside, get out of the way and mind our own business.


November 9 horoscopes are rough for three zodiac signs:

1. Cancer 

(June 21 - July 22)

Everything that you want to achieve on this day, November 9, 2023, is more than possible for you to accomplish. Be prepared to run into more than one obstacle, as Mercury sextile Pluto sets them up for you. Understand this: for every obstacle that you knock down, a new one will pop up because that is the kind of day it is for you. Your intentions may be great, but that doesn't mean the cosmos is working with you on this day, November 9, 2023.

You will find that you are quite alone in the way you think about a certain topic and that you can't understand why you aren't receiving the support that you would think was only right. You are stuck in your own opinion, and you believe that you are fighting the good fight. You will be dismayed to see that you don't have the emotional backup that you were counting on today, and during the transit of Mercury sextile Pluto, this will make you wonder what's actually going on.

What you feel is the best interpretation of a scenario will be challenged by those around you, making you wonder why you even bothered to offer what you believe is your expert opinion. You know you're right, and yet, nobody sees it. This frustrates you and lets you know that if you are to continue, then you'll be doing it on your own. That wasn't part of the plan, but Mercury sextile Pluto has something else in store for you on November 9, 2023.


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2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

You have been working on something for quite some time now, and on November 9, 2023, you feel it's ready to share with the world. You are fully charged up and feeling energetic and positive, and even though you feel as though you are ready to go, there seems to be so much in your way, and so suddenly, as if out of nowhere. This is how Mercury sextile Pluto works in your world, Scorpio. You believe in yourself, and yet, the world around you doesn't seem ready to accept you as of yet.

This day will feel like the total anti-climax day, and you will have a hard time accepting that nobody is 'letting you in.' It's as if everyone around you has gone mad, and yet, they are merely being themselves, which is ... not you. That's your problem with today; nobody is thinking like you. In fact, they're just going about their merry ways without making way for you and your brilliant ideas.


Your ideas are brilliant and should be paid attention. However, that's not going to happen during Mercury's sextile Pluto on November 9, 2023. Try as you may, you will be getting nowhere fast, but you are clever, and you know that tomorrow is another day. OK, so today doesn't go as planned; that doesn't mean failure. It just means postponement. You can do this, and you will. Just ... not today.

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3. Sagittarius 

(November 22 - December 21)

You come right out of the gate ready to race all the way to victory, and yet, not only is the gate closed ... it doesn't exist. OK, so what's going on here today, November 9, 2023, is that you had a plan in mind and you may have forgotten how to time it. What you want to do is amazing and doable. It's just not fated for today, as Mercury's sextile Pluto is not making space for you today. Sometimes, you get a break, and sometimes, you get Mercury sextile Pluto. It's all OK.


This transit will only have you backing up so that you can take a look at where you went wrong ... if, indeed, you went wrong. What this day gives you is the chance to rework your plan and work on whatever mistakes you might have made. You may also find that you're doing some serious reflecting on your life today. While that could bring up old memories, your focus is on how to improve. It's always a good thing in your world.

You're going to find that on November 9, 2023, what you started a few weeks ago was not worth pursuing after all, but that's a good thing, and it took getting to know it. You can be a bit romantic sometimes, and your optimism sometimes gets the better of you. However, during Mercury's sextile Pluto, you're going to receive the gift of hindsight. What you wanted to work on is not going to work because you can now see what went wrong and how it really isn't worth fixing. Some things are just not meant to be.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.