3 Zodiac Signs Finally Experience Self Love On October 26

Respect comes first, and then self-love follows.

moon in aries on october 26, 2023 Iryna Danyliuk, Miathehoooman from sparklestroke, Geo's Gallery via Canva Pro \ Gabriel Zaparolli from Pexels via Canva

If the Aries Moon is good for one thing, it's for jumpstarting our sense of self. We can take that any way we choose, but this transit is basically very positive. And, for three zodiac signs, it's not only a good day, it's the kind of day where we come to realize that we truly are the superpower in our own lives.

On October 26, 2023, we find respect and self-love during the Aries Moon and it happens because we finally see past all the judgments and assumptions that we've put upon ourselves. We are the sum of our experiences, and so often, we think only of how the negative experiences of our lives have defined us. We are more than the negative. In fact, we are everything we want to be ... and that's a loaded statement.




Think about it. If we are truly the result of our experience, then part of that experience has to be geared towards goodness, so why then do we ever settle for less when it comes to how we perceive ourselves? Today, October 26, 2023, has us seeing ourselves from a new and different standpoint. Today, we see ourselves as the hero in our own story.


Three zodiac signs experience self love on October 26, 2023:

1. Virgo 

(August 23 - September 22)

Self-respect has been a long journey for you, and to say that you are finally feeling it is a major coup on your part. You have spent so much of your time doubting yourself to the point where you actually believe the negative lies you tell yourself, and you've seen how this kind of thinking does you nothing but good. You never benefitted by putting yourself down. You didn't even get the thrill of feeling bad, as if that's what you were going for.

On October 26, 2023, during the transit of the Aries Moon, you will feel strong and confident, a feeling you are not altogether accustomed to. Still, it feels good, and you like how Aries transits affect your life as they always seem to jolt you into taking some kind of action. Today, the action you will take is the kind that opens the doors to self-belief. It seems that you're not that bad after all, Virgo!

What you've done to yourself over the years is that you've built your self-image into this 'thing' that you can't believe in, and on this day, October 26, 2023, you will see what a disservice you've done yourself. This isn't how it should be, and you know it. The thing that rocks your world is this inkling of thought: you are amazing, worthy, and brilliant. Could this be true? You know it's true already. Now ... own it, Virgo.


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2. Scorpio 

(October 23 - November 21)

Self-respect and self-love are something that you used to put on as an act. You have always liked the idea of controlling people and in order to do so, you knew you had to be strong and confident in your being. While that may have been anything but the truth, you knew that if you were to have your way, you'd have to project the image of someone who loved themselves and honored their abilities.

That's why life is so amazing, Scorpio, because we can change and grow, and during transits like the Aries Moon, it's very easy to see things from a new vantage point. On October 26, 2023, you will see that you're not so bad after all and that what you believed was just a front was actually a work in progress; you are the result of that practice. You've done the work and now you are here, standing as an example. You have found the real thing: self-love and self-respect.


Gone are the days when you fear a lack of control. While you still like to command attention when you walk into a room, you're starting to find that it's much more fun being respected for your truth rather than the lie you've told the public in order to make them like you. You do not need approval any longer because you've decided on your own that you are just fine as you are. You are the result of your search for love.

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3. Capricorn 

(December 22 - January 19)

There are moments in your life that bring about feelings of extreme dread and regret, and if you think too long about those moments, you end up feeling depressed. There's something in depression, however, that stirs you, and on this day, October 26, 2023, during the Aries Moon, you will be stirred and jolted into action. You aren't ready to feel bad; you aren't here to beat yourself up again. Today marks the first day of you taking your life back.


You feel as though you've been living in the past and that the ghosts that lurk around every corner are so redundant and meaningless now that you wonder why you've wasted so much time entertaining them. Today, during the Aries Moon, you will conclude that the past is dead and that the only thing that's alive and remaining is you ... and the love you have for yourself. You are important, after all. You matter and you will continue to matter.

This is a huge day for you, Capricorn, and the revelation that will be with you all day is the one where you know there is no looking back. While you might not be familiar with this new 'self-love' territory, you sure can admit that it feels a heckuva lot better than wasting your time in the dungeon of past thoughts. You can no longer see yourself as anything but beautiful and brilliant. Good for you, friend. Carpe Diem!

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.