4 Zodiac Signs Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships, April 9 - 15, 2023

The truth can never be ignored forever.

zodiac signs fall out of love end relationships april 9 - 15, 2023 Riska from Getty Images signature via Canva Pro

Four zodiac signs fall out of love and end their relationships the week of April 9 - 15, 2023. No matter how you distract yourself or pretend things are fine, the truth will always surface like a long-lost memory begging to be seen. Let go of what happens next and surrender to the wave of clarity Venus in Gemini brings this week.

The options and new ideas suddenly seem to come from nowhere. And let the magic of the Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn help you take apart what may have been an important lesson for you but is not meant for you.




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Learn to listen to your own self, trust your intuition above all others and let yourself change your mind. Let yourself have a change of heart and remember that you alone set the bar for what you will accept into your life. And, of course, what you will allow to continue.


Four zodiac signs fall out of love and end relationships. April 9 – 15, 2023:

1. Gemini

(May 21 - June 20)

Trusting yourself in relationship decisions is always the most important thing for you. You can rationalize anything; you can see both sides to a choice, yet there is always one ultimate truth regardless of that.

To embrace the energy of Venus in your own sign this week, which will heighten any choices you have wanted to make, you need first to determine your ultimate truth. Your own sign is duality, which is often why you can have difficulty deciding or even trusting yourself with what you have decided. But this duality points the way towards your higher or your lower self. It helps you look for the path of healing versus the one of wounding. This week, this is where your choice lies and many inclinations towards ending a particular relationship intensify.

Just because you thought your relationship would last forever does not mean it is meant to. Just because it seemed like the best choice then does not mean it is still true today. The best thing you can do is figure out what you want and where all these feelings come from.


You may be distracted by caring more about your career or friends, but there is a reason. Instead of simply trying to escape deciding, give yourself the time and space to figure out what is going on for you. This way, you can truly trust that the choice you make is the one that truly will help you get to that higher level of healing and a more fulfilling relationship.

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2. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)

The worst thing to do is hang onto a relationship simply because the process ahead seems daunting. No one wants to be a space filler or not be fully chosen. But this week, you will be less worried about the unknowns that exist and more about how to start dismantling your relationship that has become more of a burden than a joy. You have focused on other areas of your life, like your career, while you silently hoped matters of the heart would sort themselves out.


However, when experiencing a relationship challenge, the only thing that does help is a greater emotional vulnerability which can be difficult sometimes, especially if you cannot see a clear path forward. While you may have outgrown a relationship in your life, you also need to ensure that it has not begun to wither simply because you have not been caring for it in the necessary ways. The Last Quarter Moon is all about release, letting go and what you need to take apart so that something else can keep growing.

This relationship has never been that fulfilling for you, yet you still can use this opportunity and show up as vulnerably as you can. Honestly and transparency always go a long way in love. While challenging, it also can make all the difference whether you try it or transition your relationship. Romantic matters are different than any other area of your life as you cannot easily define success because so much of it is emotional.

This is why feelings matter, and while your partner may be more freely able to discuss theirs, take the time to dive into your own, as it will help you now and in any future relationships. Your feelings are not the enemy, but ignoring them is.

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3. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)

It seems at times that there is no end to the transformation that can occur in your life as you continually peel back each layer revealing a new truth that you previously had not been aware of. You are in a phase of rebuilding so much of what has already been dismantled, but that does not mean that there is not more to release. An important part of what you have been moving through has the North Node in your own sign, which governs your fate, and the life meant for you.

The North Node always seeks to bring you precisely where you are meant to be, but often that means leaving behind what is not. In the coming week, Saturn influences the North Node, which means that it could be a time for thinking more seriously about whether the relationship you are in now will truly lead to the life you feel is meant for you. As someone who craves comfort and stability, having some serious shockwaves ripple through your life that affects your life and inevitably lead to changes can be scary.

Change is always scary because you are wired to keep safe by keeping things the same. Yet, this also does not often lead to happiness or fulfillment. You must trust your inner knowledge this week and become so rooted in what you know you deserve that nothing can shake you — even a monumental life change. You have come so far in feeling secure within yourself instead of just your relationship. You have built up confidence and even have been able to validate yourself internally; now, you are just being invited to take those final steps of getting serious about what you want and, of course, what you will have to do to create it.


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4. Pisces

(February 19 - March 20)

You are romantic at heart. You cannot help but see the best possible outcome and energy within your relationship or partner. But this often leads to you wearing rose-colored glasses and ignoring the truth, especially about a relationship that is not aligned with you or will not be able to go where you have dreamed it will. As Saturn has shifted into your own sign, this has all begun to change. You can still embrace your dreamy nature, but it comes with a dose of reality.


This may have felt like an abrupt shift as you could not ignore what you previously had. You cannot overlook those feelings or how your relationship leaves you feeling emptied more than full. A misaligned relationship can be draining, no matter how much you focus on yourself or give yourself the love you desire.

When Saturn meets up with the North Node, there is a big reality check regarding the true nature of your relationship and the fact that it is not aligned with your soul’s purpose. You may feel taken aback by this sudden realization or new understanding, but it will not be avoided this time. Instead, even if the love is still there, you must be honest about how your partner shows up for you versus what you truly need.

It is okay to feel like you must end a relationship simply because your needs are unmet, no matter how you try to advocate for yourself. It is valid to finally say that it does not seem you are aligned any longer and to let that be reason enough to begin to move forward. Take the love you have been directing towards them and redirect it towards yourself, trusting that every decision you make will only lead you closer to the relationship that is divinely meant for you.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. For more of her work, visit her website.