The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Go Back To Their Ex When Mercury Retrograde Ends On January 18, 2023
I've been thinking...

Mercury retrograde is the transit that puts transits on the map. We may be die-hard astrology enthusiasts or simply down-to-earth folks who like to check in with their horoscopes; the truth is, we've all heard of Mercury retrograde, and on some level, we have all experienced its influence.
And if asked, we usually roll our eyes, shiver, and immediately cringe at the thought of more where that came from. Luckily, there is no more to come...not for a while, as Mercury goes direct today, which is a hopeful experience.
One troubling aspect of Mercury retrograde is that it puts us at odds with the people we love — especially life partners or people we've only started dating.
Depending on how much retrograde we're given (for instance, this last retrograde season lasted a month), we can do much damage in that period. And this could be theca 'make or break' period for certain love affairs. What's not assumed is a reunion; we may break up with our people, but we don't do it in earnest.
The human mind is tricky during this time; we need to be more patient in our decision-making and impulsive with emotional responses.
We break up with people we don't really want to break up with, which means that for three zodiac signs, those break-ups will become make-ups very shortly, as many of us will go back to our exes when Mercury retrograde comes to its close on January 18, 2023.
The three zodiac signs who go back to their ex when Mercury retrograde ends on January 18, 2023:
1. Cancer
(June 21 - July 22)
You knew you were making a big mistake at the time you both decided that you'd 'had enough!' It was precipitous and impulsive, and all it got the two of you was sadness and a lot of missing each other.
OK, so you had a blowout during Mercury retrograde; it happens to the best of us, and yet you couldn't step down, and now that Mercury has gone direct, you realize that you can't live without this person.
Because communications are now easier, you don't feel as confined by your pride, making it easier for you to reach out to them to have a decent conversation about getting back together. Don't worry, they are just as into it as you are, but you now have history to back up your love story. Use what you've learned from the breakup to create a better situation in love with the person you are getting back together with.
2. Libra
(September 23 - October 22)
There is only one reason you have decided to get back together with the person you only recently broke up with: you recognize that you made a mistake. Mercury retrograde put your entire world in a spin, and you found it difficult to keep the balance, and so, as a result of your confused state, you brought your partner into your chaos, and one thing led to another, and that thing turned into a breakup.
Of course, this break-up was never meant to last, and you will feel a little more comfortable getting back together now that Mercury has been stationed directly. The truth is that you are not someone who wants to play the field; you aren't interested in having a new love — you want your old comfortable love back, and now that your mind is clear, you'll be able to have what you want.
3. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
The idea that you went as far as you did to get rid of the person you loved is ridiculous in your mind. You can't believe you ended your relationship, and you ask yourself why nonstop.
Your love affair ended last year, and neither of you had the gumption to reach out to the other to see how you're doing. All this pride and ego has really gotten in your way and was no doubt exacerbated by the recent Mercury retrograde. The good news is that it's over, kaput, done with—no more retrograde follies.
Alas, you've got a clear field, and the communication can roll right in if you let them. So, will you allow yourself the space to reunite with your person so that this charade of being broken up can finally come to an end? Yes, you will, Pisces. Welcome your love back...they've been waiting just as long as you have.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.