The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On December 15, 2022
If you work these energies well, it can play into your favor.

Today is dedicated to acting before we think and doing so annoyingly and aggressively. So, we feel both impulsive and reckless on this day, December 15, 2022. We're looking at how the transit of Moon square Mars can make or break us. If our reckless impulsiveness plays a part, then we can assume a minor 'breakage' will be involved in today's events.
We may feel inspired or creative today; sometimes, aggressive energy comes with the creative impulse.
That's all good, and that's the stuff that will take some of the pressure off us today, but the main drag is going to be about going hard on something that has no place for us. In other words, we may feel creative and productive, but our choices may not be the right ones, and the real problem here is that we do not see it that way. And so, we push on, thinking success is ours to have when, in fact, it's not precisely slated for today's achievements.
This burns. We feel very confident and clear-headed about what we want today, and we don't understand how our passion and reality don't mix. We will be prohibited from moving forth, which comes as a direct influence from Moon square Mars.
This transit inspires us to reach for the stars, but the hidden message here is all about timing; today is not the right time for action, but it IS the right time for dreaming. So... plan today, DO tomorrow. That's our best bet for today, signs.
The three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on December 15, 2022:
1. Capricorn
(December 22 - January 19)
Now that you feel confident about making something happen, you'll have to structure the timing, as today's timing is way off and will not serve your needs. You are under the powerful influence of Moon square Mars, and it brings up almost too much when it hits your sign, Capricorn.
You are highly motivated, and once you get an idea into your head, there's virtually no stopping you. What gets on your nerves today is that, once again, nobody moves as fast as you, and you don't understand what the hold-up is.
Can nobody on this earth move at your pace, and must you always deal with these cretins? Well, they may be excellent people, but with your Moon square Mars attitude, you won't see them as anything less than 'beneath you.' And your attitude towards people makes today a rough day for you, Capricorn.
2. Aquarius
(January 20 - February 18)
The more you stand up for yourself, the more you see yourself as someone not to be messed with. You are brimming with self-confidence during Moon square Mars, but this short transit tends to bring out a side in you that is less than attractive. You are rude to people during this time, and while you might feel you have a right to be any way you wish, you are definitely in line for offending someone today.
You have already built your defense mechanism, so you won't take any responsibility for your words or actions today. You feel you have the right to say whatever you want and won't be manipulated into stopping. What this day has in store for you is an arrogant, resistant attitude that will end up hurting you much more than you could hurt another. Lighten up, Aquarius. No need to go that far.
3. Pisces
(February 19 - March 20)
Today has you over the Moon with excitement; you will get what you want on this day, and you can't wait to see it all play out in living color. You are ambitious, but you are also restless. You want what you want NOW, and as the day progresses, you'll notice that your big plans aren't getting as much traction as you expected.
This brings on the first of the disappointments of the day, and if you're not careful to draw back and just 'witness' the events of the day, you may get so carried away with your sense of disappointment that you lose the meaning of WHY you're involved anyway.
Yes, you wanted to do a good, productive thing; no, it's not going according to plan. OK, so what do you do? Do you panic and freak out, Pisces, or do you accept it and try, try again? Do yourself a favor relax, step back, and return with a clear, fresh mind. You are sure to reach your success that way.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.