The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Confess Their Love During Mercury Opposite Jupiter On October 12, 2022

Someone is crushing hard.

The 3 Zodiac Signs Who Confess Their Love During Mercury Opposite Jupiter On October 12, 2022 maiven57 via Getty Images/Icons8 via Canva/Glitter_Klo via Canva Pro/t light via Getty Images Signature/gstudioimagen via Canva

Ah, Mercury opposite Jupiter, how brave you make us feel on October 12, 2022. So brave, in fact, that with your magnificent power backing up our every move today, three zodiac signs might just get up the nerve to approach that special person in their lives with a big surprise confession.

Are we ready? Are they ready to receive our confession of love?

We've got the power of transit on our side, and that feels good and helps to build our confidence, today really the day we just come right out with it? The answer: yes.


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So, here's the thing: the person whom we are about to confess to probably already knows how we feel, but they, too, are waiting on our confession. They want to hear it with their own ears.


They want to know that we feel a certain way about them because, in their way, they need to know if their own feelings are justified.

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In other words, we have to be the first ones to jump the confession rope; we have to let them know we're 'in' so that they can feel comfortable about doing the same.

It's a good day, and during Mercury opposite Jupiter, we not only feel brave enough to do some confessing, but we also feel truthful about what we're going to confess; we are living in our own truth, and so far, it feels promising and realistic.

We're not confessing to some stranger or some celebrity who has no idea who we are; no, we know the person we want and we are concentrating on showing them what we're made of. We might even be, dare I say...seductive in the process. Always a good thing!


The three zodiac signs who confess their love during Mercury opposite Jupiter on October 12, 2022:

1. Cancer

(June 21 - July 22)

You're going to receive a lot from Mercury opposite Jupiter, in the way that this transit is going to have you feeling so confident, so RIGHT about the news you're about to deliver, that everything else about today is going to fall by the wayside.

You want to tell someone that you like them, as in 'really like them. You know they're going to react well, and even though you don't feel that a formal confession is actually necessary, you'll do it anyway, because, to you, it adds to the excitement.

It also lets them know in no uncertain terms that they need to either like you back or set you free. You have no intention of being 'set free' so you'll take your chance today and let your paramour know what's going on inside your heart. You are OK with it, and you have a very good feeling that they are too.


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2. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)

You go one of two ways, and today, during Mercury opposite Jupiter, the way you'll be going is the way of the courageous and impulsive.

Ordinarily, you're quite cautious; you really don't want to rock the boat and upset things. You are careful with your words but sometimes, being careful makes you feel like you're a mindless slave who does nothing but pays attention to the rules.

And then there's Mercury opposite Jupiter, which stirs you right out of that trance and puts you in the spotlight of your dreams, and in these dreams, there's a person that you adore...and you want them to know this.


Of course, this means taking your dreams and making them into realities, which you are ready to do on October 12, 2022. You will throw all caution to the wind during this time, and you will tell your person that you are madly in love with them. Now, the ball is in their court.

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3. Sagittarius

(November 22 - December 21)


You've done it before and you'll do it again, and 'that' is, of course, expressing your heartfelt feelings to someone you love...with the intention of sparking interest in that person for the purpose of making them your own.

You want this person, and you have very little patience with the game that seems to be being played at the moment; you aren't interested in the romance dance, even though it's quite cute and rewarding at times.

You really want to just settle down with this person, without the fanfare of the whole mating ritual. You know what you want and you know WHO you want, so why bother beating around the bush with your feelings for them?

During Mercury opposite Jupiter, you'll be opening up your heart and spilling it all over this person's reality. Will they accept you as you are, or will they run screaming for the hills?


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
