The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes, Saturday, July 30, 2022

Things happen for a reason, right?

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes, Saturday, July 30, 2022 Ernan Solozabal on Unsplash

Today brings us a double whammy of conflicting transits. With our Moon in Virgo, we may find that we become a little too analytical of everything around us, but mainly of our own selves.

Self-doubt and second-guessing come with the turf, and we may find ourselves doing a little too much judging and condemning. That's the problem with Moon in Virgo — the judgments always end up in condemnation, which feels way too harsh for all involved.


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We also have Moon in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius, which gives us a focal point for all the judging we'll be doing. That focus will, unfortunately, go home. Family members are on our nerves today, as they most certainly can be.

Between are hardcore attitude and the fact that we can't seem to escape the clutches of all those around us, we may sink into despair ... if only for a while.



Today is, however, a good day to balance all that negativity with a healthy lifestyle and introduce new diet plans or exercise regimens. Suppose we are going to cave into our basest behavior.


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In that case, we will need to pull ourselves back out of it, and the best way to help ourselves on this day, July 30, is by eating well, getting rest and knowing when to quit.

Get up and walk around a bit just to get your blood pumping. Fresh air is recommended on this day as it will automatically refresh the psyche.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes, Saturday, July 30, 2022

1. Virgo

(August 23 - September 22)


If you've been dealing with health issues recently, then today might be the day where you criticize yourself. You beat yourself up for all the imagined failures you can place on top of yourself. You haven't failed at anything. Suppose this is all about trying out a new healthy lifestyle choice. In that case, you must hang in for some solid results instead of condemning yourself and your efforts.

You can be too hard on Virgo, and you know where that goes? Your harsh attitude starts to spread to the other people in your life, and that's what's about to happen today. Your self-criticism cannot be contained in just one single body (yours), and so you attack just about anyone who comes into your line of vision; you are most comfortable attacking the ones you love most, and so you will.

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2. Libra

(September 23 - October 22)


What's been on your mind? Regarding family and finances comes to the forefront of your thoughts today, during Moon in Leo opposite Saturn. It upsets the order of things radically. You might have been putting something off, like paying a bill or heeding some sort of ordinance; today is the day where your attention will be required — you need to do what's necessary here, or you will end up paying a high price.

Family members are involved and blamed; nobody knows how this 'thing' went so far out of hand, but it has, and now you all have to deal with it. Of course, 'you all' always and only means 'you' as you feel you are the only person who actually understands the ramifications of what's needed. So, if you feel like controlling things, then control what has spun so far out of control in your family life.

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3. Capricorn

(December 22 - January 19)


What's happening today is somewhat out of your control. Yet, it will be you who has to clean up the mess. This concerns a family member, more than likely a spouse or partner.

This person is going to do something like spend too much money, which puts you at risk. You will either notice it happening today. You will look at a bill that's gone unpaid, something extravagant and unreasonably expensive, and it's throwing you into debt.

Your partner is out of hand with their spending, and while you don't feel like you own this person or that they should stop being themselves, you DO share space with them, and their spending DOES affect your life. Today is when you scold your partner as if they were a little child. They won't like it, and you'll dislike it even less. You'll both get over it soon enough, and hopefully, a solid agreement will come to pass.


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.
