3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On January 10, 2022

Crazy energy.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On January 10, 2022 fizkes/Shutterstock.com

Well, it looks like no one's going anywhere today, and that's because nobody can agree on anything.

Between the Taurus Moon, and the Moon square Pluto, let's just say this day is all about how the unstoppable forces meet the unmovable objects. In other words, we try, and we go nowhere. Arg!

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Moon sextile Jupiter has us thinking we can do anything. Success is ours to be had if only this wackadoodle Taurus energy would just move its enormous tush out of the way so that we can proceed. But no, says the universe, snickering with Pluto's power of dark negativity.


Of course, there will be those who can push their way through anything and won't be even slightly disturbed by this day. Let's just say you got away with it if you're one of those people. As for the signs who feel it the most, and to prepare for...nothing! Because 'nothing' is what's happening today in a big way.

Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On January 10, 2022:


(August 23 - September 22)

You have made up your mind: you are worth more than you are being paid for and today is the day you ask for that raise. You approach those in charge with discretion and politeness, and you feel confident that you're going to get what you want...and you definitely feel that you should be respected for your request.


What you'll get in return is a wishy-washy non-committal response telling you that 'they'll look into it.' This does not seem promising at all, in fact, you'll feel like you're being dismissed and that you should go back to your corner.

Top-of-the-line disrespect at the workplace, and that's what today has in store for you.

RELATED: How Each Of The Zodiac Signs Show Disrespect


(December 22 - January 19)


Whereas you might be the boss in your line of work, you're still reliant upon the work of others to get the job done smoothly, and today doesn't seem to have that in store for you. You'll be confronted by co-workers who seem disgruntled and ready to go to battle, just what you didn't need on this day.

You've made it very clear; there's a protocol that needs to be followed and if everyone goes according to the rules, everything works out. But there's that one 'rebel without a cause' co-worker who feels they have to stir up trouble...but they're always so overly dramatic about it as if they're starring in their own movie about uprising and freedom. Too much drama. By the time it reaches you, you'll be ready to quit entirely.

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(January 20 - February 18)


You pride yourself on being able to make hard decisions when it's required of you. Today is one of those days, and when it comes to decision-time, and something will get in your way to throw you so far off track that you won't even remember what the original choice was about.

This distraction is more than likely another person, and because of that stubborn Taurus energy, they really want to stand in your way with full force.

You don't even know why they are so opposed to what you wish to decide upon, but you will come to know that they are a force Majeure, as long as this person pouts, folds their arms, and stomps their feet; you're not going to get a thing done.


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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 
