3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On December 15, 2021

So much instability.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On December 15, 2021 romeovip_md/shutterstock.com

In this Taurus Moon, we are asked to create a routine of practicality, which, ironically, will be impractical for several under the zodiac, and this can be a problem for three zodiac signs who have a rough day on December 15, 2021.

This can come from the Moon being conjunct with Uranus this Wednesday. So while others are concreting a sense of stability and routine, some under the zodiac are feeling as they are working against the natural flow of the community around them.


Much of this instability isn’t present because of situations around us but for things we are leaving unaddressed internally. We have neglected self-regulation for too long, and it becomes exposed today.

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How will you make it through this day? Will you give yourself grace for human error and sit with yourself to uncover bad habits, oddities, and discomforts from within? Or will you project onto others because you’re scared?

Here are the three zodiac signs who will be finding balance again on this rough day.


Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On December 15, 2021:


Gemini, today can be an explosive day for you if you don’t recognize your needs and your temper limits. You are feeling a lot of anger throughout this day. It may seem to others that this is an isolated event, but this is the product of keeping your insecure thoughts to yourself to the point of the pressure being too much to contain.

You have to understand that you will likely not communicate effectively today. Part of this comes from jealousy over things you don’t have a clear (or rational) understanding of or even feeling similar fears from past connections.

However, you can likely not engage in finding a resolution because you don’t want things to be fixed at this moment. Instead, you seek a moment to experience anger, or any negative emotion, without judgment. Let this angry wave ride out and find healthy ways to work through it instead of trying to work it out.

RELATED: How The Zodiac Signs Control Their Anger



Virgo, today, your perfectionism has bubbled into imposter syndrome. You may have felt as though it was challenging to fit in with those around you lately, but this Wednesday, you are going to feel as though you’ve fallen far behind. 

You may feel today as though all you’re capable of is making mistakes, feeling as though you’re fumbling through daily tasks that you should have mastered by now. You will be your own harshest critic. Even if no one else sees you fumble, it will stick in your mind.

Your mind is in prison today, Virgo. Try to remind yourself that you are a work in progress, and you have room for growing instead of being a completed piece. Although you have miles to go, take this day to practice forgiveness with yourself. 

RELATED: 6 Zodiac Signs With Imposter Syndrome



Sagittarius, you may find a need to be humbled this Wednesday, which could make your day rough. You are determined to be right or have a moment to flex your real-world experiences.

However, you’re coming off overzealous with an air of condescending tone. 

You have a lot to flex about in your life, but you also have a lot you have yet to experience or uncover yet. Sometimes you need to step back from the teacher role and embrace being a student.


Sagittarius, don’t be too proud to engage someone in conversation by saying, “Tell me more about that, I’m not familiar with what you’re saying,” instead of saying you are already an expert in the field.

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Tea Jones is a tarotist, psychic, and certified Level III Reiki Master Practitioner who writes about spirituality, witchcraft, tarot, and divination. You can find out more at her Esty shop.