Love Horoscope For Saturday, November 13, 2021

Warning: Conversations can go a bit haywire.

Love Horoscope For Saturday, November 13, 2021 AstroStar/

For Saturday's love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astrologer, and YourTango's Senior Editor, Aria Gmitter shares how current astrological events affect you on November 13, 2021.

We have some unpredictable energy coming into our relationships with suspicious Mercury in Scorpio conversing with chaotic Uranus in Taurus.

There's no getting around this dynamic, and for most zodiac signs we are stubborn, fixed in our ways, and unwilling to bend, even to our own detriment.


This is a tough weekend for us all until the energy passes. What's worse, Mercury is also squaring Saturn, the planet that tends to take things away when they are unappreciated.

If you're in a situation where you don't want your love life to end, maybe it's a good time to think thoroughly about what you are going to say. This energy will pass, but if you choose to dive in, do so at your own risk.

What does astrology have in store for your love horoscope this Saturday? Find out.

RELATED: 3 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationship Falls Apart During Mercury Opposite Uranus Starting November 12, 2021


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What today's love horoscope has in store for each zodiac sign on Saturday, November 13, 2021:




Try not to be overly impressive by flashing money you've earned. Don't listen to someone's offer of potential gift-giving either to persuade you to be with them because they can take care of you.

Things are off-kilter and Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus, bringing focus to your money sector. Try to keep your mind clear and focus on character above all other things.




It's easy to be gaslighted when Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus, bringing focus to your identity sector.

You can become derailed by some sort of accusation that's untrue, and you know it is, but part of you feels guilty just being thought of in a certain way that's not attractive to your personality.

This is when you need to dust yourself off and remember who you are, even if someone else doesn't see it for themselves.




People often do not get what they deserve, and this can be a sore spot for you. Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus, bringing focus to your karma sector.

The time may feel ripe for dues to be paid, but the universe has other plans. Trust the timing. It's not meant to be now, but that does not mean never... just later.




Fake people who try to stir the pot and create problems in your love life are not welcomed, Cancer.

Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus, bringing focus to your friendship sector, and their distraction can be hard to see, but you will if you just pay attention and do not let someone's need to gossip get too deep under your skin.



Work is taking up all your time, Leo. So there's little time for love. Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus, bringing focus to your career sector.

So, this is a for-now situation, but that does not mean you can't get caught up with a person over the weekend or make plans for the future. Pencil something in now.




You can have what you want, but maybe not in the way you want to just yet.

Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus, bringing focus to your belief sector, so doubt, confusion, and feelings of disappointment could be part of the problem. Stop to think. Give yourself the room you need to figure things out.



Stingy people can be so hard to deal with, but that's not going to cause you to become the same way, right Libra? Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus, bringing focus to your shared resources sector.

So, you may need to show a person you love that your kindness is not a weakness. It's hard to be the bad person in this situation, but it's what you have to do to prove your point.




You need to remember that words you say can't be retracted, and even if someone else is apologizing to the Moon that does not mean you have to accept bad behavior.

Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus, bringing focus to your commitment sector, and there are forces that be prompting some harsh dialogue. It's going to hurt, but don't blame yourself.



Who has the right to tell you how to live your day? No one, Sagittarius, so when someone drops something on your lap without much time, it's on them.

Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus, bringing focus to your daily duties sector, so keeping a routine is really important for your sanity. Don't worry if it causes the other party to get upset. Somehow they have to learn.




Happiness is relative, so you have to pick your battles. Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus, bringing focus to your pleasure sector. Enjoy your love life. Make time for play. The chores and the work will get done eventually, but if it's dinner and candlelight tonight, why not?



People first, Aquarius. Remember that Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus, bringing focus to your home and family sector.

Why do people who love each other fight so intensely? You may not know.
But, this is what happens in families where people have become slightly complacent and forget to treat others as important as they do their friends. You might feel more like a referee before the day is over, but just because you know how to play the part of a peacemaker does. not mean you should not walk away and let other people deal with their drama.




Silence screams today, Pisces, and feeling like you can't tell someone how you feel is hard enough.

Mercury is opposite Uranus in Taurus, bringing focus to your communication sector, so you want to set the record straight, but the person who you love is too stubborn to hear you. So, you need to be patient until this harsh energy passes, and it will.
