3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Fools In Love During The Moon Conjunct Neptune Starting October 17 - 19, 2021

And they do not care.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Are Fools In Love During The Moon Conjunct Neptune Starting October 17, 2021

Moon conjunct Neptune perfects on October 17, 2021, and this is an energy that lasts for several days. Ultimately, what happens is that a few zodiac signs may become fools in love, and not even care.

When the Fire signs fall in love, they go big or they go home, and that stands true for making a fool out of themselves for love.

When the Moon Conjunct Neptune, you can count on these fiery fools to do all they can for the sake of love and happiness.


Three zodiac signs may become fools for love, during the Moon conjunct Neptune starting October 17 - 19, 2021.

Moon Conjunct Neptune sort of shines a spotlight on our fantasies, and allows us to think that these fantasies are possibilities - which they may very well be.

However, when it comes to the Fire element signs, like Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, they don't take fantasy lightly - this is the very breath of life for these signs, and their motto, during transits like these is, "Whatever it takes."

"Whatever it takes" says "who cares" to rational thought; these signs do not care what they look like or who thinks what of them when they fall in love.


They care about only one thing: making the object of affection into their very own.

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Sometimes this works, and sometimes, well, their love is not reciprocated. If you are someone who gives it all for love, prepare to be made into a huge fool for love.

Zodiac Signs Who Are Fools In Love During The Moon Conjunct Neptune Starting October 17, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

You are and always have been one of the biggest fools for love that has even been in all of history.


Nobody cares less than you when it comes to nailing down that paramour, and you truly do believe that your efforts will come across as flattering to that person, as opposed to oppressive and pushy.

Neptune has you in the complete belief of your magical allure; you really believe no one can resist your charms.

And while those charms are indeed quite wonderful - there will always be someone who won't buy what you're selling and that is exactly what's about to happen, starting October 17, 2021.

You will try, you will fall on your face, you will try again, you will be laughed at, and...you will keep on believing.

And, you will keep on trying. Hardheaded Aries, that's what you are.


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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Who's the ruling Champion of the Lost Causes today? Why, it's you, Leo. When Moon Conjunct Neptune in the zodiac sign of Pisces on October 17th, you're going to fight hard for the one you love - the one you believe in.

And though they may not even recognize you as someone who is half as important to them as they are to you, what does it matter? To you, this is a worthy cause - you are in love, and so what if they don't feel the same way?

That's what the game is all about, and it is a game to you - you are in it to win it, and if it means being a total fool, then who on earth cares?


And if someone does care, well then that's THEIR problem, not yours. Here's the fun part - your foolish behavior and undying love may very well get you what you want. Ain't that a kick in the head!

RELATED: 10 Brutal Truths About Loving A Leo Man

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

If there's one thing you can do that is flawless, it's a lie to yourself, especially in love. You have a crush on someone.

That person is a known creep - everyone knows it but you, yet, you don't see it that way. Neptune's influence allows you to think highly of someone who is pretty much an unworthy partner-in-potential.


You have fallen into that pit of illusion that makes you think this person is actually going to come through for you.

People in your life are telling you, gently, that you're wrong, that this person is garbage - but you won't hear it (thanks, Neptune).

You don't think of yourself as a fool; you think of yourself as a warrior of love, totally noble, absolutely brave, and true - and yet, all those around you simply see you as a fool, doing what you've done too many times before, apparently clueless about your own foolishness.

RELATED: 10 Ways A Sagittarius Is The Best Friend You Never Knew You Needed


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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 
