3 Zodiac Signs Who Need More Intimacy During The Moon In Scorpio Starting October 7, 2021

More love and care or quiet moments.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Need More Intimacy Starting October 7, 2021 Daniel Eskridge/Shutterstock.com

This Thursday we are bracing for intense energy as the Moon enters Scorpio, and for three zodiac signs who need more intimacy starting October 8, 2021 this is a special time.

This is a highly emotionally charged time. This will bring out a desire for a shift in life, but for many, will make them nervous that people will be abandoning them.

During the Scorpio Moon many will be worried about commitments; both in work and interpersonal.


Three zodiac signs will be requiring extra reassurance that they are safe in their current engagements during the Moon in Scorpio. 

However, expressing this fear will be difficult during the Moon in Scorpio starting today through October 9, 2021.

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It is important to be aware of which signs will be requiring more intimacy under this Scorpio Moon lunar phase as to not negatively impact your relationships.

It may be difficult for them to express that they need a little more love and care or quiet moments, but it is of the utmost importance.

These three signs will require more intimacy under the Moon in Scorpio; here’s how to help them, specifically.

Zodiac Signs Who Need More Intimacy During The Moon In Scorpio, October 7 - 9, 2021:

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Geminis will need more intimacy during the Moon in Scorpio, however, this will be difficult to achieve.


They are extremely overwhelmed with all they wish to change in their life, feeling a push to get it done as quickly as possible.

They are burning themselves out.

Right now they are craving affection fiercely. They want to be big and tough, but they need someone to reassure them that they are on the right track and that things will happen in time.

They cannot do this for themselves right now.

However, this may be difficult to do for them, as they are becoming incredibly pushy with what they want.

This is them projecting outwards for the things they can not change, as a way to seek some sense of control in their life.

Be patient with them while remaining firm. They shouldn’t bully you to get what they want. Deep down, they feel scared about all that is happening.


A quiet night together, without distractions or discussions of what needs to get done could be the perfect form of intimacy for them.

RELATED: The Negative Personality Traits Of The Gemini Zodiac Sign, According To Astrology

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leos need intimacy fiercely under this Moon in Scorpio. They are tired of having to be everyone’s strong friend and would like a moment to be comforted and consoled for all of the difficulties they have been through lately.

“You’ve changed.”

They know it. They have worked tirelessly to be the person they wish to become, making changes in their daily life knowing it will bring about bigger outcomes. However, this renders them exhausted.


Leos need someone to remind them how far they’ve come and a night unplugged while being cuddled. They can be the King of the Jungle...or a small, sleepy kitten. Right now they need you to cuddle that kitten.

They know they will push through as they always do, but an intimate moment will help hold them together while they work through their shift. Give them the love you’re afraid to show them and they will be putty in your hands.

RELATED: 10 Reasons Why A Leo Is The Best Friend You Never Knew You Needed

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpios right now need extreme intimacy...but they won’t be the ones to tell you that. They are feeling extremely sensitive. It may feel to them like the entire universe is working against them. They need someone in their corner.


How do you show love to a person who can’t ask for it?

They don’t want you to express your love in big, bold ways. They don’t want a loud or expressive moment to show how much you care. This is not the way to reassure a Scorpio, whose worst enemy is the flash mob.

Scorpios are craving quiet reassurance. They would give anything for a night full of intimacy that they didn’t have to ask for. Get creative! Find little ways to show them that your souls are connected and how you are there for them.

The key to showing Scorpios intimacy is subtly. Uncover their love language and find ways to whisper it into their ears. They need this more than they can say, and if your Scorpio is asking for this, they are in desperate need of intimacy now.


RELATED: Why Are Scorpios So Intimidating?

Tea Jones is a tarotist, psychic, and certified Level III Reiki Master Practitioner who writes about spirituality, witchcraft, tarot, and divination.