3 Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love With A Friend During The Moon Conjunct Jupiter September 18, 2021

Sometimes we don’t know what we need until we’re looking right at it.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Fall In Love With A Friend During The Moon Conjunct Jupiter September 18, 2021 OlegRi/Shutterstock.com

Three zodiac signs who fall in love with a friend starting September 18, 2021, will feel the energy of the Moon conjunct Jupiter this Saturday.

The Moon Conjunct Jupiter occurring on Saturday will bring about an overall love vibe that will have us seeing the relationships around us completely differently raising the stakes that the love of our life might just be found in our best friend.

In a week that is heavy with numerous transits, the Moon will be just moving into Pisces at the time of this transit while Jupiter sits in Aquarius finishing up the second half of his retrograde phase.


While exact together, another essential element to note is that the Moon is conjunct Jupiter and Saturn during this time.

Having Saturn, the planet of divine timing and karmic lessons as part of this transit signifies that the time for falling in love with all the wrong people is over and that it is time, we learn what healthy reciprocal love is.

The moon represents our emotional self, the part of ourselves that is our true essence and nature even if the rest of the world doesn’t see it.

The moon feels, changes, goes through phases but always comes back stronger than before, and it's beautiful no matter whether she’s full or not.


In Pisces, this is where we feel a tipping point in our emotional bodies, a moment where we can’t do anything but feel and, in this case, it’s feeling our deepest truth.

The part of us that doesn’t remember what it’s like to be hurt or let fear dictate our romantic choices, but to simply surrender to the depth of emotion within ourselves.

In conjunction with Jupiter which means they’re just a few degrees apart, we get the lesson of how much the truth of our emotions is tied to a well-lived life.

A life that feels fortuitous, abundant, and full of possibilities. Jupiter currently retrograde is asking us to review what is holding us back from living the life that we desire, the one that resonates as our strongest truth with purpose and conviction.


After having spent a few months in Pisces, Jupiter moved back to Aquarius at the end of July where he will stay until the end of the year.

But this phase of his Aquarian ride is different, this time it’s about implementing all of the lessons and reflections that we learned during the first part so that we will be free to move into the new phase that will come at the end of the year.

During this conjunction, we will finally be free enough from our past to be able to see what was right in front of us the whole time we just weren’t ready to see it until now.

Zodiac signs who will fall in love with a friend during the Moon conjunct Jupiter starting September 18, 2021:

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Love is always on your mind, but during this transit, you will have the unique approach to be able to not just get swept up romantically but to actually feel confident you’re making healthy decisions.


For you in particular it’s likely that the love affair that begins around this time is one where someone has held a secret crush on you for some time, it’s only now you’re available to see it.

While you love hard that also means you hurt hard after a break-up or a relationship that starts hot and heavy fizzles out. This means that you often carry a lot of emotional baggage that ends up affecting the next relationship that you enter into.

It seems you gravitate between thinking the worst about someone or wearing rose-colored glasses so thick you can’t see the truth. But all that changes under this transit.

The healing work that you’ve been doing will start to pay off as the declaration of love comes from a close friend or acquaintance does not cause fear but excitement, as you can finally feel this time truly, might be different.


Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

One of your greatest strengths is that you are so free-spirited and independent but sometimes in relationships especially before you’re conscious of it, can create issues that there is no coming back from.

Part of this is being with someone who understands you, but the other part is making sure that you’re not using your gifts as armor to keep yourself safe. In relationships, we can’t let fear keep us safe, but love.

This means taking risks and chances so that you are inviting in and receiving what you most want instead of blocking it out of fear of ruining or losing it once you have it. The thing is those close to you already know this.

The offer of love that comes your way will be from someone who knows all the parts of how you operate and because of that isn’t going to let you off so easily. As wonderful as the beginning of this romance will be, it will not be without challenges.


But this is good, this is an opportunity for growth. A truly great relationship isn’t just fun but also provides the space to challenge us with our fears and coping mechanisms so that we can grow together and become better. Your chance to do that is right around the corner!

RELATED: The 10 Best & Worst Personality Traits Of Aquarius (+ Their Perfect Love Match)

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

As a sign that is known for prioritizing self-growth and exploration, it’s not often recognized that you feel most able to do that when your roots are strong and stable.

You like to experience life and sometimes that has meant you go through relationships quicker than you change your hairstyle, but it’s not a bad thing.


Because of all of this, you know what you want and what will fit you and you know what doesn’t.

This is a huge asset for you at the time of this transit because it affords you the ability to be sure and confident about the offer of love that will be coming in.

As much as outsiders may speculate that you have an inability to commit, the truth is you want nothing more, you just want to be able to remain free when you do.


Those close to you know this about you already and love you for it.

The thing is, if we’re afraid that we’re going to lose our freedom then we don’t always see what could go right.

This love affair that will be beginning likely will be with someone that’s already been on your romantic radar, you might even have tried things with them once before but thought it best to remain in the friendzone.

All that changes under this transit as you finally see what it is you truly need and because you’re feeling more secure within yourself, you’ve run out of excuses to not take a chance on love. Don’t worry, you won’t regret it this time.

RELATED: 10 Ways A Sagittarius Is The Best Friend You Never Knew You Needed


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Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.