3 Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True During The Moon In Pisces Starting September 18, 2021

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3 Zodiac Signs Whose Dreams Come True Starting September 18, 2021 muratart/Shutterstock.com

Three zodiac signs whose dreams come true during the Moon in Pisces starting September 18, 2021, will have something to smile about that is unexpected, but their heart knew it would happen one day.

Sometimes you do get what you wished for, and that's when life seems to be the sweetest, isn't it?

The Sun has been in the zodiac sign of Virgo, and as the sector of daily work many zodiac signs have been putting in the extra hours at work, laying down a fresh foundation for their future, and getting organized more and more each day.


Hard work is often the foundation of which dreams are built, and so many of us have something we really want to achieve. With Jupiter conjunct the Moon in Pisces there's luck to be had now, and for three of us, that may mean a dream comes true during the Moon in Pisces.

Besides, who doesn't want their dreams to come true? Ask anyone who wants to see a miracle come to life, and they will say I want my dreams to come true for me, right now.

And, that's what happens for the three zodiac signs whose dreams come true during the Moon in Pisces starting September 18, 2021. 

The Full Moon will be in the zodiac sign of Pisces this weekend, where Neptune the planet that rules Pisces is also there.


The 12th solar house has a rotten reputation of dissolving things we want. Moons are about the past, our feminine intuition, and what can be hidden from our eyes but viewable through the subconscious realm.

Pisces is the sign of endings, hidden enemies, and karmic relationships...but there is also the beautiful beginning that takes place when one painful door closes.

For three zodiac signs who will have a dream come true, this may be how the realization happens. A job is lost. A mortgage forecloses or a relationship ends. 

Yes, these things are tremendously painful, but at the same time, they create a sense of finality. There's nothing left to lose. Risks can be taken. There's only one way out and that's not by returning to the past.


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The Moon in Pisces, just days before the New Moon will conjunct with Jupiter the planet of good luck and expansiveness.

It's not going to be enough to say that a good thing is going to happen. No, a dream is going to come true, and it will feel amazing to know that certain wishes do come true for these three zodiac signs.

Zodiac signs whose dreams come true during the Moon in Pisces starting September 18, 2021:

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Your dreams come true in the realm of friendships and this could involve your relationships at work. The Moon in Pisces will activate your solar house of friends, and you have been feeling lonely lately.


The pandemic put a real dent in your social life. The truth is that you're a social creature who needs people to do things with and to love.

The Moon entering Pisces can reveal the fake happiness you've been putting your energy into and cause you to no longer want this for your life. 

When you let go of what's distracted you from your true longing for companionship, you'll start to make room for the people you will enjoy being around.

These people may even be in your life now - a colleague whom you enjoy chatting with or a person you met a year ago but weren't able to follow up with due to life becoming chaotic can reach out and things click once more.


RELATED: How To Know If A Taurus Zodiac Sign Cares, According to Astrology

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Your dreams come true during the Moon in Pisces, and this manifests in the realm of romance and love.

You are a deeply passionate person who longs for someone to hold and to adore. It's not always so simple to give your heart over to a person. Trust must grow and life gets involved. 

But when the Moon conjuncts with Jupiter in your solar house of home and family and then enters the sign of Pisces, your sector of romance you start to feel comfortable enough in your skin to take risks when it comes to love and start to pursue an interest. 


This level of confidence is attractive and it starts you in a new direction where love isn't just possible to find, but you realize the perfection of love that you've longed for your entire life. Why? Because now, you are ready.

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Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Your dreams come true because you finally get to a place where you are comfortable in your skin. You have been holding back in so many areas of your life out of fear, but now that courage starts to sink in when the Moon is in your sign you start to realize that you have nothing to lose. 


The loss of fear is part of the reason why your dreams start to come true for you beginning September 18. You see the world as a place where you belong instead of where you don't. You start to realize your own potential and view your contributions as valuable and timely.

You begin to take your life into uncharted waters and a completely new direction beginning this weekend, Pisces, and due to your hard work and effort a miracle is born, and through the power of your own hands, a dream really will come true for you.

RELATED: The Pros And Cons Of Falling Head-Over-Heels In Love With A Pisces


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Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's Senior Editor of Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies with the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.
