3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On August 10, 2021

Plan to get back on track.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Day On August 10, 2021 Syda Productions/Shutterstock.com

Who will be the lucky three zodiac signs who will have a great day on August 10, 2021?

August 10, 2021 is going to be a great day for all zodiac signs, but there are three who will have it their way the most.

On August 10, we are working with several interesting cosmic aspects that affect everyone most of Tuesday.

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This Tuesday, we have the Moon in Virgo, Moon Trine Uranus, and Mercury Opposite Jupiter, and all of these transits are here to either make us - or break us.

Fortunately, for some zodiac signs, they may get to experience a very good day, today, indeed.

We're dealing with some heavy lunar energy, and depending on your sign, and the other celestial bodies that are working in tandem with the Moon, we can look forward to the kind of introspection that both reveals - and heals.

Healing energy is what this day is about.

While it would be nice to win the lottery - this day isn't about finance, it's about self-help, the ability to rid ourselves of mental and emotional poison, and a plan to get back on track so that we may truly be the best we can be.


Congratulations to these signs for what they are about to receive...

Zodiac signs who will have a great day on August 10, 2021:

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

There's a point of no return that you recognize as something you need to bring into your life.

In other words, you are ready now to let go of everything that you've discovered is both a lie - and a false path.

You've been trusting your instincts for a while now, and yet, you haven't been listening to your own advice; what if you've been right all this time?


What if trusting your gut was the way to go, and you've just wasted too much time on a path that leads to trouble and anguish?

August 10 is the day where you realize you were right all along; and much of that rightness is what's going to lead you to fighting harder for yourself, and for your right to choose how to live your own life.

Be prepared to stay the course, Taurus - live your life, your way. Only you know what's best for you - don't be persuaded into anything less than the best. Eyes and ears open: learn the lessons now!

RELATED: Why Are Taurus So Hard To Love?

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

It's going to be a very good day for you, Cancer, and that is because lunar transits call to you, and this one's coming with a message, specifically for you: Be yourself, trust yourself, love yourself.


This should not come as a tall order for you, as this is the basis for your life. Self-love is the goal, though it's not always been easy to believe that profoundly.

Alas, today will bring with it a 'click' moment - and in that moment you will see that where you are right now, in life, is exactly where you should be - and that, if you think about it, is also what makes you happiest.

You are fully taking responsibility for your life and actions, and that energizes you. Today is a power day for you, and you can parlay that power into any field of interest that takes you.

Go make a bundle of money today, Cancer - the universe is absolutely on your side.


RELATED: Why Are Cancers So Smart?

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

If anyone can play around with the Mercury Opposite Jupiter transit, it's you - and what is meant by that is that you can finesse that Mercury communication energy to suit your needs.

Jupiter is your planet, so you're in charge today - and that means you are also responsible for your words.

You have the ability today to change minds and effect the outcome of something you and another person have been planning.


Your influence is as big as Jupiter itself - and, being that you really do want to do good, that influence will work for others as well.

You're the boss today, but it's much more than being an authority that makes your communication so important; it's that others have come to trust you.

Now, the responsibility is really on you. Take this day to bring joy to others. The universe is giving you carte blanche - do the right thing and enjoy the results, as they will be spectacular.

RELATED: 20 Truths About Sagittarius Women You Need To Know


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Ruby Miranda has been practicing I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 
