'90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way' Cast: Meet 6 New Couples Looking For Love
TLC is dropping a new edition of '90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way' in June.

The current season of 90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days is coming to its conclusion but fans of the TLC reality series don't need to worry. The network will be bringing back 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way in early June. They just released a new trailer and introduced the six new couples.
There will be some familiar faces in the case, which will be good news to audiences that wondered what happened to their favorite couples. The new cast members will be facing all kinds of obstacles to happily-ever-after including a pregnancy, religious differences, and major cultural differences, such as a lack of plumbing. TLC is also featuring a same-sex couple who will be enduring possible homophobia and rejection by family in Mexico.
Let's meet the new cast of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way: Season 2:
Deavan and Jihoon will be returning.
Fans of the first season will recognize Deavan and Jihoon right away. Deavan is a mom from Utah who met her now-husband Jihoon on an international dating app. When he came for a visit to the US, she got pregnant on their first night together. They cared about one another enough to make a go of their relationship and made plans for Deavan and her young daughter from a prior relationship to move to South Korea.
There were some complications along the way, however: Jihoon lived with his parents and didn't have a steady job. Instead, he bought and resold used cell phones, a pasttime that had landed him in trouble with the law for selling stolen goods. They got married but Deavan returned to the U.S. for some time and while Jihoon also joined them for a while, according to her social media accounts, they eventually decided to move back to his country. In the trailer, Deavan complains that she doesn't think Jihoon has plans to support the whole family, which now includes their son as well as her daughter from a previous relationship.
Deavan and Jihoon/TLC
Jenny and Sumit will also be back.
Jenny and Sumit are the couple many fans would like to know more about since the last season ended. Their relationship started out as a catfish; Sumit was using a fake name and photo to chat online with Americans. He developed real feelings for Jenny, despite her being 30 years older than he is and came clean with his real identity. She liked the real Sumit even better than the fake version and made plans to go to India to marry him — except that he didn't tell her that he was already married.
Sumit had already been paired off in an arranged marriage but hopes to divorce his wife; he just didn't tell Jenny any of that until she as already in India. Without a legal marriage, she had to return to the U.S. Now she's back in India but the trust issues between them haven't been fully resolved.
Jenny and Sumit/TLC
A new same-sex couple will be featured.
90 Day Fiancé made franchise history when they featured Erika and Stephanie on Before The 90 Days. In the past, all the couples of the show had been opposite-sex partners. For their second same-sex couple, TLC selected Kenneth and Armando. The two men in an online group for gay dads and fell for one another.
Kenneth, a Floridian, is 57 and plans to move to Mexico to be with Armando who is only 31 years old. While they seem very much in love. Armando can be seen cautioning his husband-to-be that Mexico isn't very progressive when it comes to homosexuality.
Kenneth and Armando/TLC
One man is moving to Colombia as penance.
Dallas native Tim met his Colombian bride-to-be Melyza when she was living in Texas to work as an au pair. Her job was ending and she was about to head back home just as they met but they decided to try dating long-distance and setting the wheel in motion for Melzya to return to the U.S. in the future. However, something happened and Melzya lost her trust Tim. We don't have spoilers on what that might be but he is moving to Colombia to try and rebuild their relationship.
Tim and Melyza/TLC
There is an unplanned pregnancy in the mix.
Deavan and Jihoon paved the way for stories about couples dealing with pregnancy as motivation for making an otherwise geographically difficult relationship work. This season Ariela and Biniyam are facing a new baby that wasn't entirely expected. Ariela had been getting over a divorce and took a trip from her home in New Jersey to Ethiopia to help settle her emotions.
She met Biniyam while she as there and stayed for months to be with him. Once she got home, she discovered that she pregnant with his child. She is headed back to Ethiopia so Biniyan can be present for the birth but the healthcare and sanitation situation there are not up to her standards.
Ariela and Biniyan/TLC
Religion may come between one couple.
Brittany and Yazan met through Yazan's sister and it was love at first videochat. Brittany is from Florida and now plans to move to Jordan for Yazan, though there are going to be cultural obstacles for this pair. Brittany is not religious at all and doesn't plan to convert to Islam for her more devout fiancé.
Moreover, his family has issues with them being intimate before the wedding and won't let them live together. There is also allegedly something Brittan hasn't told Yazan that could put their whole future in doubt.
Brittany and Yazan/TLC
When is season two of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way? It premieres on June 1 on TLC.
Rebekah Kuschmider has been writing about celebrities, pop culture, entertainment, and politics since 2010. She is the creator of the blog FeminXer and she is a cohost of the weekly podcast The More Perfect Union.