When Is Mercury Retrograde 2020? How Its Astrology Affects The Zodiac Signs' Loves Horoscopes
Expect disorder three times this year.

We have all heard people say something along the lines of, “Mercury is in retrograde and that is why everything in my life is a mess right now!” If you find your computer breaking or you're constantly missing the train and running late to your appointments, you may want to first find out if Mercury is retrograde.
When Mercury is in retrograde, you can easily blame all of your mishaps on that because it's not uncommon that the astrology of this planet messes with your daily life. If Mercury is retrograde, you also have the perfect excuse to stay indoors and cancel your plans.
Either way, it can get a tad crazy with Mercury in retrograde, so brace yourself during the appropriate times.
What is Mercury retrograde, exactly?
During the year, about three or four times, Mercury looks as if it's travelling backward in the sky. These two-to-three-week occurrences of Mercury going backwards is known as retrograde periods. Until Mercury goes forward again, you can expect to have some mishaps.
It can have a negative impact on your schedule, so it's not uncommon to experience delays, interferences, missed appointments, and misdeliveries. It can also lead to problems with your small appliances, like your computer or phone. In general, Mercury retrograde makes it more difficult to communicate, especially on the social level.
You also might find that it's more difficult to make decisions during this time. It's also not advisable to work on negotiations or contracts because they could very well go awry.
When does Mercury retrograde occur in 2020?
In 2020, Mercury goes into retrograde three times:
- February 17 - March 10 (in Pisces and Aquarius)
- June 18 - July 12 (in Cancer and Leo)
- October 14 - November 3 (in Libra and Scorpio)
But how does this astrology affect your love horoscope?
During Mercury in retrograde, it's common to have fights with your partner over miniscule things or things that shouldn't have been said in the first place. It's even possible for a couple to go through a breakup during this time because they spoke out of turn or said something they can’t take back.
If you have a crush on someone, it's best to wait to ask them out until Mercury is moving directly again. You don’t want to start your relationship with a potential new love on the wrong foot, because timing is everything!
Also, if you're planning a wedding, you should avoid getting married when Mercury is in retrograde.
What zodiac signs are most affected by Mercury retrograde in 2020?
While every zodiac sign will feel some kind of impact from Mercury in retrograde, these signs will feel its full force.
1. Taurus
Mercury retrograde will impact your home, family, and past. It will actually give you a sense of emotional security and balance.
It's advisable that you use this time to focus on making goals to reorganize or fix up your home. Focus on your plans for your house and then tackle them when Mercury is moving directly.
Also, problems may arise that have to do with your family, home, or past, so try to squash these problems head-on.
2 & 3. Gemini and Virgo
Both signs of Gemini and Virgo will feel generally shut off and obstructed during this time. Both signs will aim to detach and ostracize themselves from others.
Geminis are usually great at communicating but, along with Virgos, will have a difficult time searching for the right words. Both signs will feel out of place and even uncomfortable with themselves and in social situations.
4. Cancer
Cancer will experience incomprehensible tiredness, no sense of energy or motivation, and a lack of enthusiasm that will act as a roadblock for them.
5. Aquarius
Aquarius will tend to be disappointed with everything, and nothing will seem to brighten their mood. They will also be more moody, anxious, irritable, and bitter than usual.
6. Leo
Leos will only be impacted by Mercury retrograde on a minor scale. They will be a tad more lazy and calm than normal. They will also have more of a tendency to sit quietly on their own and do nothing.
Are there any benefits of Mercury retrograde?
While we associate Mercury retrograde with negative affects, there are also some things that go well. This includes:
- Self-analysis and contemplation
- Thinking up a new life plan, like enrolling in a new gym or starting a diet
- Creating new plans (but don’t start tackling them until Mercury is out of retrograde)
- Dealing with unresolved past problems and situations
- Seeking and giving forgiveness
Which zodiac signs will be positively affected?
Just like there are zodiac signs who will find their communication and family life affected, there are also signs who can use Mercury retrograde to their advantage:
1. Aries
Aries will tend to remain calm and at peace during this time, so they won’t be impacted that much by all the craziness. They also might be more inclined to get things done that they have put on the backburner.
2. Scorpio
Scorpios will not be heavily impacted by Mercury retrograde because they are so focused on their own path. It's very likely they will even feel motivated and inspired to reach for their goals and tackle them.
3. Sagittarius
Sagittarius is shielded by Jupiter, so all the bad effects will be canceled out by that planet.
4. Pisces
When Mercury is retrograde during their sign, it will actually have the opposite impact on them in comparison to other signs. Pisces can possibly experience great transformations when it comes to finances, career, and family.
Overall, Mercury in retrograde isn't something to be feared. However, there are a few things you should refrain from doing:
- Try to avoid beginning new projects.
- Try not to make promises, commitments, or significant decisions.
- Try to not arrive late for appointments.
RELATED: What It Means When You Are Born During Mercury Retrograde, According To Astrology
Jaycee Levin is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture, and relationship topics.