9 Little Signs You're A Hopeless Romantic

You want love, and you know what it looks like.

Last updated on Jul 17, 2024

Hopelessly romantic couple holding hands tl | Canva

There's a stigma around hopeless romantics and the way they love. But what about hopeful romantics? Hopeless romantics believe in destiny and true love’s kiss. They believe in fairytales.  None of these are bad traits to have. When we find our partner for life, I think we all want to believe in the power of true love. Hopeless romantics believe in the "happily ever after" of fairy tales. But hopeful romantics believe in building a healthy, strong relationship where both partners can live happily ever after, together. 


Yes, there's a difference between being a hopeless romantic — someone who leaps without looking — and a hopeful romantic. Being hopeful, defined as "feeling or inspiring optimism about a future event," isn't foolish — in fact, it can be seen as a form of wisdom.  That's why hopeful romantics make wonderful partners. We are wise when it comes to love because we truly believe in the power of love and the importance of building your dream love. 

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Here are 9 signs you're a hopeless romantic:

1. You're naturally optimistic about love

Hopeful romantics are everything that the hopeless embody except they have a sense of realism. They’re optimistic when it comes to love but also understand what it means to be ghosted. They get too excited about the first date because they love the idea of meeting someone new. A hopeful romantic sees first dates as the start of an adventure. They’re always excited about going out because there is so much that can unfold in the span of one night.


what it means to be a hopeful romantic Pexels / cottonbro studio

These types of people are also okay with waiting for the right one to come around. If you're a hopeful romantic, you know your worth and won’t settle for just anyone to sweep you off your feet. You want someone who will put in the work, effort, and investment into a relationship. If that means turning down dates and waiting for that unique person, then you will do just that.

2. Your love is intense but steady

Hopeful romantics are not just great partners, they're great friends. They are the type of friend to gas you up when you need a hype man. If you're not feeling your new hair color, your hopeful romantic friend will make sure that you don’t feel anything less than spectacular when you leave the house. They only want to see you happy and excited about life, and they want you to see yourself the way they see you. And that support will never wane. They’re dedicated and passionate, particularly with their romantic partners, but they don't give their love and take it away as a form of manipulation or as a result of mood swings. A hopeful romantic will show up when and how they say they will, and that consistency is what makes them such great partners.


3. You believe love will find a way

The worst mistake someone can make is trying to place a limit on the love a hopeful romantic can give. Even when facing what feels like insurmountable odds, a hopeful romantic can imagine a positive outcome — and that is a beautiful trait in a partner or a friend. Your hopeful romantic friend will work tirelessly to solve a problem and will be by your side even when times are tough. A hopeful romantic will search for solutions when a relationship is in trouble rather than bailing out, and that is a beautiful quality. You'll know you're a hopeful romantic if you're the type who is always willing to put in the work to make a relationship thrive.

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4. You don't settle

While hopeful romantics hold love in the highest esteem, they won't settle for a relationship that doesn't feel like the "real deal." Hopeful romantics likely really relate to Julia Roberts's character in Pretty Woman, who says, "I want the fairytale." They believe that real love and romance are awaiting them, so they won't settle for someone who doesn't believe like they do or doesn't appreciate them.

@oldsoulentries What “don’t settle” actually means!! @Lady Like Life Store such a great explanation #mindset #gratitudemindset #relationshipadvice #relationships ♬ original sound - Kristen 🌞🌿🌎🌻

5. You're willing to put in the hard work

Because they believe their relationship is destined to be, they will do what needs to be done to make their relationship work. They see couples counseling or therapy as just a part of making a relationship last — which is incredibly hopeful. If you're a hopeful romantic, you will always try to improve yourself when needed to become a better, stronger person. You will also put in the work to help your relationship grow because the health of the relationship is of utmost importance to you. 


6. You don't need grand gestures to feel appreciated

As much as hopeful romantics believe in the fairytale and dream about living in one, they aren't sitting around waiting for a knight in shining armor or a prince to ride in on a white horse. They can see what's beautiful in people and appreciate the intention of every act of love. For instance, a hopeful romantic will see a gift of cozy socks on a cold day as being equally romantic as a dozen roses. That's because a hopeful romantic is guided by their heart, not some manufactured idea of what it means to love someone. 

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7. You're not afraid of how relationships change over time

Yes, all relationships change over time. Partners stop putting on their fanciest undies and sometimes leave a mess around the house.  Some people may read into these changes as signs the romance has faded, but a hopeful romantic knows that these changes are often a symbol of the growth of a relationship.

8. You know you'll make a great parent

The hopeful romantic sees the beauty, potential, and wonder in every day and in every person. That sense of joy and romance is a wonderful trait to have as a parent, not just a partner. They can see the inner beauty of everyone, and that includes their children. They don't need their kids to be tokens of their parenting successes, nor do they need to have what looks like a "perfect family" if it sacrifices the real, true joy and happiness of the family itself. Instead, a hopeful romantic sees what brings their children joy and helps cultivate that. They are hopeful that there is a unique path for each child, and, as a parent, will help that child find their way. Their optimism makes their kids feel safe and unconditionally loved. 


what it means to be a hopeful romantic Pexels / Antoni Shkraba

9. You always love completely — sometimes even when you shouldn't

They’re the type of partner to always hold on to a relationship, even if it’s not the best for them. That's because hopeful romantics believe that relationships should be forever. They always hold out hope that things will get better. Breaking up is never easy, and for a hopeful romantic it’s the hardest thing to do. It’s so difficult for them to conceptualize a breakup that they will latch onto whatever they can salvage from the relationships and try to bring their partners everything on a silver platter. Even if what their partner wants is no longer them.

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Isabella Ong is a freelance writer and social media editor at SheKnows. She has been featured in BuzzFeed, Yahoo Life, Read Unwritten, and more.