What A Soulmate Really Is (Because You've Probably Already Met Yours)

Don't get tunnel vision when you're looking for your soulmate.

What A Soulmate Really Is (Because You've Probably Already Met Yours) getty

"Who is my soulmate?"

It's a question many of us are looking for the answer to. 

For most people, the word "soulmate" make us think of the person who was made specifically for us to fall in love and spend our lives with. 

This can be intimidating — there are so many people in the world. How are we supposed to go about finding "The One?" 

However, according to Merriam-Webster, the actual soulmate definition is "a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament" or "a person who strongly resembles another in attitudes or beliefs." 


Notice there's no mention of romance at all — which means you may have already met yours. 

RELATED: 5 Major Differences Between Soulmates And Life Partners

So what is a soulmate?

A soulmate is a friend in your darkest hour. 

They are the friend who stays when everyone else leaves. They are the friend you call when you are in deep trouble. They are the friend who makes the world beautiful and kind. They are the friend who tells you what you need to hear not what you want to hear. They are the friend you see in your life forever.


A soulmate is a parent who loves you the way you need to be loved. 

They are the parent who expresses their love for you with words and physical touch. They are the parent who builds-up your self-esteem, self-worth, and self-love. They are the parent who believes in your dreams like you believe in them.

They are the parent who is your biggest fan and they are always proud of you. They are the parent who gives you the freedom to live your life and make your own choices. They are the parent everyone else secretly wishes they had.

A soulmate is a guardian angel saving you from yourself.

A soulmate is a family member who gets you. 

They are the person who doesn’t have a fixed idea of who you are or who you should be. They are the person who wishes you well and doesn’t get jealous of your accomplishments. They are the person who wants to see you happy and living your best life. They are the person who isn’t just related to you by blood, their soul is connected to yours.


RELATED: What Happens When You Meet Your Twin Flame — And How They Love Differently Than Soulmates

A soulmate is an almost-love story that went south. 

It’s the person you lost before you had. They are the person you were closest to, but fate never brought you together. They are the person who woke your demons up and drove you crazy. They are the person who you wanted to keep in your life, but some things are just not meant to be.

They are the person you run into at a friend’s gathering and everything feels the same although you haven’t talked for ages. They are the person who made you a better you after all.

A soulmate is a person you recognize yourself in. 


They are the person you’ve always known existed. They are the person who feels like home. They are the person who resembles many of your good qualities. They are the person you are proud to have by your side. They are the person who understands you more than you understand yourself. They are the person who makes love your reality not just a dream.

The truth is, a soulmate is a person who makes you feel physically and emotionally safe in this unsafe world.

They are the person you can be your real self with where people are labeled, categorized, bullied and rejected. They are the person who treats you exactly the way you deserve when being unkind in this modern world is cool.


They are the person who you do the simplest things with, like staying home cooking a meal or going out and about. They are the person you spend time with because you want to, not because you have to.

They are the person you talk with about everything and nothing. They are the person who your connection with keeps going and going, it has no end.

RELATED: How To Find Your Soulmate & Become Kindred Spirits In 3 Easy Steps

Born in Jordan with Palestinian origin. Farah is an only child, raised by a single mother. Check out her website for more of her writing.