5 Major Differences Between Soulmates And Life Partners
Your soulmate and who you end up with are different people.

By Maria Hakki
You could believe they’re absolutely the same person, or that any difference between the two notions is solely theoretical. However, a difference exists.
A soulmate is someone who comes to help you grow as a person. Whereas a life partner is a man or a woman who you meet when you are at peace with yourself and you are ready for the relationship of your life.
Both are incredibly important!
It’s sometimes difficult to tell the difference between them. That is why in this article we are exploring the five most significant differences that could help distinguish between a soulmate and a life partner.
Here are the 5 major differences between soulmates and life partners:
1. A soulmate teaches you a lesson. A life partner could stay for good
Friends, relatives, and intimate partners are the people who usually become our soulmates. They enter our lives to teach us something that we need to understand. Once we learn the lesson, their task is fulfilled. So, a soulmate could now leave your life. But sadly, this costs a lot of emotional suffering.
On the contrary, a life partner comes into your life to stay for good. Your life partner encourages your interests. This person is the one who supports you and motivates you to take risks. Unlike the soulmate, a life partner stays no matter the circumstances. These people are spiritually and emotionally attached to you. And your relationship is incredibly pure and deprived of any selfishness.
2. The types of connections we form with them are different
We are connected through heart and mind with these people. And, we go through many good and bad things together. The relationships we build with them are important. But unfortunately, these relationships might sooner or later come to an end. Because soul mates come to teach karmic lessons that need to be learned in this life. And once the lesson is given, they could leave or stay in our lives as friends.
On the other side of the coin are life partners who arrive in our lives at a time when we have accepted ourselves and have become aware of our self-worth. We no longer need a person to make us better. And the same goes for our life partner. You and your life partner are two individuals who feel complete. And that helps create a long-lasting relationship.
3. Soulmates have a spiritual bond, and life partners connect intellectually and emotionally
Soulmates are very deeply connected with each other. But as previously mentioned above our soulmate could be a friend, a relative, and a partner of course. Our connection to this person is so strong that we can even feel their desires and sometimes read their thoughts. Soulmates do not need to talk to communicate with each other. They are too familiar with what the other person is feeling or thinking.
Life partners start their relationship as a romance. Initially, they feel physically attracted to each other. Then comes the interest to get to know the other person more deeply. The relationship evolves because partners feel comfortable together, they have common interests, and stimulate each other intellectually and emotionally.
4. Soulmates help us grow as people. Life partners give us comfort
If you meet your soulmate, you’ll feel as if you have been close to them for a long time. You get along exceptionally well with each other and think the same way. You might have also experienced the same things as them in your life. And this is the reason why you and your soulmate could build such an influential relationship with each other. However, we shouldn’t forget that a soulmate’s purpose is to help us become better people, not to stay with us forever.
The relationship with your life partner, however, is not like that. In the first place, life partners have experienced different things. They usually come from different backgrounds. But thanks to that the connection between you and your life partner is the strongest one. Life partners are not like open books to one another, and this makes their life together interesting. What is more, they feel comfortable with each other the whole time. They don’t share only intimate moments; they also build a friendship.
5. Sometimes a soulmate helps us move on. A life partner comes when we’re ready to settle
Another time when a soulmate could come into our life is when we need to move on from something. A soulmate could be the person to help us put an end to a problematic relationship. However, the love of a soulmate is not easy either. Usually, a relationship with a soulmate is full of obstacles. The reason is that we need to learn important things. And after we’d learned what we had to do, we could move on from this relationship as well.
The relationship with a life partner is much more comfortable. It starts effortlessly. And this bond becomes stronger during everyday life. The focus is on the present moment, and there are no burdens. The relationship with a life partner is most likely to end in a healthy marriage. It’s just that both people are ready to create a partnership based on a strong emotional and intellectual connection.
It happens that our soulmate is our life partner as well.
That is when the relationship between the two partners is profoundly spiritual, intellectual, and emotional. You learn your life lessons together. And you stay together as you’ve found that you fulfill each other’s needs at all possible levels.
But, often a life partner and a soulmate are not the same people.
So we should not forget which are the most significant differences between them. A soulmate is someone who is very similar to us and comes into our lives to teach us valuable lessons. And a life partner is the person with who we would probably spend our time and who we will meet when we are at peace with ourselves.
We should also remember that every relationship is significant.
After all, every person teaches us something. So you shouldn’t feel sad if your soulmate leaves your life.
Keep the lessons you’ve learned and then move on. And don’t forget that your life partner is somewhere out there.
Maria Hakki is an English Teacher, writer, and translator. She has been featured in I Heart Intelligence, Australian National Review, and more.