Is Annie From 90-Day Fiancé Pregnant? New Rumors She's Expecting David's Child
Annie wants to have a baby with her American husband David. Is a bundle of joy on the way?

Is Annie from 90-Day Fiancé pregnant? This summer, TLC's 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After has been giving audiences a look into the lives of if some of their favorite couples form previous seasons of the hit franchise. Fans have watched as the couples navigate the early years of their marriages, often facing cultural differences, family pressure, and conflicting expectations for what their lives should be like.
One couple with radically different expectations for each other is Annie and David. Annie, a 25-year-old native of Thailand came to America to marry 49-year-old David, expecting he would provide things like basic income and a roof over their heads. Much to her shock and dismay, David has remained unemployed and they're only able to live indoors thanks to the generosity of David's friend Chris who has been letting them stay in a building he owns.
Despite the financial difficulties, Annie wants to have a family with David. Are the two of them ready to welcome a baby into their lives? Read on to find out.
1. No Cash Flow
When David first appeared on the show, he talked about the low point in his life when he was very overweight, newly divorced, unemployed, and recovering from a stroke. After a physical recovery that included weight loss, he decided to travel around the world. He eventually landed in Thailand, where he met and fell in love with Annie. By the time the couple became engaged, he had been out of the US job market for about four years. Despite that, he was certain he could return to the states and pick up where he left off.
2. Bride Price
Before he and Annie could even get married, David needed to present her parents with a traditional dowry. Her parents expected a cash payment, as well as a gift of two water buffaloes. In addition, Thai grooms are expected to give their fiancé a large quantity of gold as a symbol of years of future happiness. Finally, there's a village engagement ceremony where the groom is expected to hand out cash to friends and neighbors of the bride. T
he only problem? David didn't have the money for that. He spent his own savings and borrowed money from his friend Chris to cover some of the costs. Then he made a partial payment of the dowry and promised Annie's parents he could come up with the rest later. The result is, the two started life together with a debt already hanging over their heads and serious worries about money.
3. Family Drama
Once David and Annie arrived in Kentucky, he started introducing his future wife to the kids he had left behind. David's daughter Ashley pulled no punches when she first met Annie, questioning her step-mom-to-be about her hopes for the future. Ashley asked if Annie wanted kids with her dad, before cautioning her that David hadn't been a great father the first time around. Annie, who admitted that she had planned to have children with David, seemed shaken by allegations that he wasn't a good parent but she set them aside to marry him anyway.
4. Job Hunt
When the two finally settle down in Kentucky to begin married life, David hits a major roadblock. He begins looking for a job but doesn't find a lot of options. He insists to Annie that he's doing a lot of networking to try and find something so he can support them, but no luck. In one job interview, a local lawyer straight up tells him he won't hire him.
5. Desperate Measures
Unemployed and and worried about how to pay for things like rent and food, David welcomes his sister for a visit. After catching up a little, he hits her up for a loan, which she refuses, citing all the other times he's borrowed money from friends and family and the fact that he could get a job if he would just stop being picky about it.
6. Double Team
Sister Nancy and daughter Ashley team up to talk to David and Annie about their future plans over dinner. Nancy throws serious cold water on the idea of the two of them having kids together, reminding Annie that not only is David old and broke, he also had a vasectomy years ago. Annie knew about the vasectomy but is confident that it can be reversed.
7. Downsizing
Before David can get a vasectomy reversal, he needs to find a new place to live. He finds out from his friend Chris that they need to vacate the place they've been living in. Chris offers them use of an apartment at a storage facility he owns, rent free, if David will work at the storage facility. David is reluctant to take the job, saying it's beneath him. Annie is reluctant to take the apartment because it has no kitchen. It's hardly the kind of place to bring home a future baby. But since the pair has no other options, they end up agreeing to move in.
8. What Now?
Annie still waiting on her dream of being a mother. David's vasectomy reversal will cost about $7,000, which he doesn't have — and he still has to pay the remainder of her dowry to her parents first. And because David still hasn't had any luck finding a good job in the US, a source close to the couple says they're planning to move back to Thailand.
Will this couple ever get on their feet enough to have a family? Keep watching the show to find out.
Rebekah Kuschmider is a DC area writer with a background in non-profit management and advocacy. Her work has been seen at Ravishly, Babble, Scary Mommy, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side. She is the creator of the blog Stay at Home Pundit and is a contributor the book Love Her, Love Her Not: The Hillary Paradox . She is a cohost of the weekly political podcast The More Perfect Union.