What Exactly Is The Superman Doggy-Style Sex Position Everyone's Buzzing About?
Very interesting.

Thanks to the British reality show Love Island, a whole butt-load of people took to their computers to search the phrase “Superman doggy-style sex position” after one of the cast members on said reality show proclaimed this to be his preferred sex position.
You guys, I write about sex for a living, and I had literally no idea what he was talking about. Is doggy style a sex position? Yes. Is Superman a sex position? Well, that’s a bit more complicated. Was this guy talking about combining these two sex positions to create an uber beast?
I decided to break it down and see how likely that was (spoiler alert, this sex position is actually a lot easier and lot less degrading than you might think based on its name alone.)
So let’s start with the doggy style sex position, a personal favorite of mine. Doggy style sex is simple, straightforward, and can be intimate as hell if you do it right — no matter what else you might have heard.
In doggy style, the female partner gets on all fours. If you have less upper body strength than the average bear, you can adjust this posture by perverting yoga and getting into the child’s pose. This puts your tush way up in the air, takes the weight off your wrists, and actually can make his penis feel bigger inside of you since your vaginal canal is going to scrunch up like a non-musical accordion, so bonus points! In this position, he has no excuse not to master your instrument, as it were.
Some people hate doggy style because they miss the intimacy of face to face contact during sex, to which I say piffle! Lol, not really. If you need that connection, skip the doggy style sex position or just make sure you get your fill during foreplay. When he takes you from behind during sex, he has an opportunity to caress your back, tug your hair, and fondle your boobs, all of which sounds pretty damn intimate to me.
So where does Superman come into play when it comes to your sex life? Well, according to urban legend and some Soulja Boy lyrics more than anything else a “Superman” is when your partner cums on your back and adheres a sheet to said cum, affixing it like Superman’s cape. In other words, it’s a messy play on words that seems like nothing anyone has ever actually done. Semen gets cold fast, and while I do not argue its adhesive properties, it is not actually glue.
Superman doggy-style sex position is actually a lot more chill and features a goofy power pose. It’s normal doggy-style sex, only instead of holding on to your hips for support, your partner puts his hands on his own hips, just like Superman would!
This isn’t a sex position that will transform your sex life, but it a refreshing new take on the doggy-style sex position that doesn't involve getting jizz all over your favorite sheets.