Sex For Chicken Nuggets? Why Women Have Sex When They Don't Really Want To

Yes, it's complicated.

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A woman made headlines this week for exchanging sex for $25 and a box of chicken McNuggets. 

She was approached by an undercover officer who she offered oral sex in exchange for the terms listed above. 

I'm not sure why a woman offering her body in exchange for compensation is like, making headlines, are you? If you ask me (and, you know, history) it's pretty obvious that woman have been falling back on their bodies in order to survive since time immemorial. There are different reasons people have sex.


You need money to live and to buy shit like food, and you need shit like food in order to live. While we could debate as to how close chicken nuggets come to being food, the fact remains that this woman (who was arrested and found in possession of drug paraphernalia) found herself in a position where exchanging a blowjob for food and cash seemed like her best option. It's not a road we all go down, but it's also not a path any of us should judge too harshly. 

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Addiction is a hell of a thing, and more importantly, who among us hasn't had sex for some reason other than really, really wanting to? I myself have had a whole lot of sex for reasons that yeah, weren't chicken nuggets, but they weren't any nobler.


If I have sex with this man, he won't go home to his girlfriend. If I have sex with this man, he will stop talking about his conservative beliefs. If I have sex with this man, I won't have to talk about my feelings. Those are just the ones that occur to me off the top of my head.

There are lots of reasons people have sex. 

I decided to put my feelers out there and see if other women (and men) I know had ever had sex with someone for reasons other than wanting to have sex. What they came back with unnerving, sad, funny, and proof positive that when it comes to sex, we all have different motivations.



QUESTION: A woman made headlines this week for trading sex for chicken nuggets. Sometimes we have sex because we're horny, but sometimes we have sex for other reasons. Can you share a reason (crazy, silly, embarrassing, or not) that you've decided to have sex? 

  • "My ex tried to make me sit through an eight-hour documentary about WWII aircraft, so I made the move on him, sex-speaking. Do you blame me?"

    Sex > oh my god basically any documentary about WWII. 
  • "To get him to stop annoying me so I can get back to my book."

Sometimes a woman is faced with a choice. Find out exactly where DID Bernadette go before you pass out for the night even if means having sex you aren't necessarily mad amped to be having, or desperately trying to finish the book during lunch hour the next day because some dude's penis needs refuse to let him leave you alone for thirty fucking minutes. 

  • "My computer crashed and it was going to take 18 minutes to reformat. So...."

When in doubt, there is always sex. It is arguably the most fun you can have without clothes on.

  • "I'm a firm believer in maintenance sex. It sounds blasé and boring, but not every meal can be a fancy event. It helps keep those bonding chemicals flowing, takes the pressure off for every sexual encounter to be perfect or totally heteronormative, and can be just as nice and comforting as a similarly 'boring' bowl of tomato soup. Familiar, but nice, and nourishing for your relationship and health."

There is nothing boring or blasé about focusing on providing your relationship with the glue (lol, like jizz) needed to sustain your relationship. 

  • "My roommate was in a terrible on-again, off-again relationship and was convinced that cheating on him with a close friend would end things permanently. So we fucked. It did not have the intended effect and resulted in misery all around. Obviously."

Friends do not let friends have sex with their roommate for the sake of blowing up their romantic relationship. Seriously. 

  • "To get out of doing the dishes."

This is fair. The dishes are horrible. 

  • "Sometimes it's because someone is paying you."
  • "You don't have a choice."
  • "Drugs."

The reality is, be it money, drugs, chicken nuggets, power, a sense of safety, there are lots of reasons that women have sex other than just because we straight up want to have sex. Do we get horny? Do we love sex? Are we attracted to our partners? Yes, yes, and yes. 

But I think it's doing a major disservice to everyone reading this to gloss over the fact that very often we use our bodies for sex transactionally because we have been taught that this is all we are for, and we live in a society where that is reinforced daily. 

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