A Wake-Up Call To Guys Who HATE Going Down On Women
As written by a man who LOVES it.

I LOVE going down on a woman. Love. It.
There's no better way to show my triple As (Triple As: Affection, Appreciation, and Admiration — prerequisites for any lovers) than to get up close and personal with what lies between a woman's thighs.
These words aren't just cunning linguistics for cunninglingus — I really do make it a point to sharpen my skills every chance I get.
It's not like I'm training for the oral Olympics, I just love doing it.
Sadly, this is not the case for all men.
I've come across a significant number of guys that think it "smells", "is a waste of time", or even that it's "something a man shouldn't need to do". (I'm shaking my head back and forth thinking of the person who said that.)
Truth is, you better learn to love between your lady's legs or you don't deserve her.
Let's take a look at the other side of this coin. Have you ever met a guy who doesn't love blowjobs? I've heard myths and legends of a man sitting atop a mountain, so spiritually evolved that a blowjob doesn't interest him.
Well, if that man exists (and I really don't think he does), I'm not so sure that he's on to anything anyway.
I truly believe that if every man on the planet simultaneously received a blowjob, we'd have world peace, people! Yes, that's how much we love them.
So for the ladies out there who don't like giving them, it's important for you to know that.
Now, for the gentleman who don't like (or don't feel like) going down on a woman, I have a few things to tell you:
1. Get over yourself.
A woman has just as many sexual desires and interests as a man, even if society or male chauvinism has told them to be hush hush about it. Men and woman are different, no doubt about it, but they have wants and needs just like you do.
2. Giving great oral shows you can be selfless.
If only for a short while. There are very few sexual maneuvers that don't somehow involve a man's pleasure. Sliding down to put your head between you lover's legs, where your member is well out of reach, lets the woman know that this is about her pleasure.
3. If you actually think her vagina smells, it's most likely your fault.
A woman's vagina is a complex ecosystem. Naturally occurring bacteria maintain a healthy pH level, keeping a woman's scent in check. When you introduce your own friendly bacteria to the situation it throws the balance out of wack and often results in a rather odiferous result.
During this time of adjustment, you can minimize your time down there if it really bothers you, but a permanent abstention from the act is ridiculous. And please, for the love of God, don't bring up smell during sex. Few things make a woman more self-conscious or kill her libido faster than you mentioning it at the wrong time.
Remember, it's more than likely your fault. Just give it a week and she will balance out. I'll add that I've never been so bothered by a woman's scent that it stopped me from enjoying spending some up close and personal time between her legs. In fact, a strong scent brings out the animal in me.
4. You are NOT above it.
Especially if you expect to have the act reciprocated. I can't stress this enough. It doesn't degrade your manhood in the least. In fact, a man who is skilled in the act of oral is a man she'll want to keep around.
5. A woman won't ask for it like a man asks for a blowjob.
It's not quite the same thing for them. A man thinks of a blowjob as a separate act, beginning and ending with her doing all the work. Drop trow, begin sucking, annnnd climax. No foreplay needed.
A woman needs to be warmed up to the act of oral. It's every man's fantasy to wake up to a blowjob, but it would more likely be a shock to a woman who isn't prepared to wake up in the same way. I'll admit I don't exactly know why, but a woman doesn't seem to think of it the way a man thinks of a blowjob. If she does ask, it means she's already turned on, so put down the video game controller, put on some Marvin Gaye, and start licking to the groove.
Most woman really do enjoy the heck out of it. If they say they don't, it's likely because some moron has said they "smell down there" or something to that effect, making them self-conscious. Obviously, never push a woman into anything she isn't comfortable with, but keep that fact in mind.
So if a woman enjoys it, appreciates it, or is curious about it, it's best to make it a part of your overall bedroom fun. Foreplay, if you will. Unlike men, if she has an orgasm while you're showing her special attention, this will not take away from her enjoyment of penetration.
Women have an unbelievably unfair ability to have multiple orgasms. Once the pleasure train has made its first stop, the next will come quicker than the first. Also, her genitals will be swollen from the increased blood flow, making all of her feel tighter around your member. (I don't hear anyone complaining about that.)
One last note, for both sexes: anticipation is the key to a stronger orgasm. If you've pre-heated the oven beforehand with a sensual round of p*ssy worship, she may just pull your head up and ask you to stick it in. Don't be offended that she may not have climaxed from your tornado tongue; it's more likely that you were doing a good job and she became overwhelmed with the need to have all of you. (Give yourself a pat on the back for this.)
Have I gotten my point across? Are you seeing a downside here?
The erogenous zone between a woman's legs borders on the divine in its ability to create miracles of pleasure.
Worship it, or you don't deserve her.