6 Sexting Tips That Apparently Can Get A Person Laid In 10 Texts Or Less
Sexting is the modern day love letter.

In an article on Mashable, Mandy Stadtmiller talks about the ease in which millennials get sex. How many extremely hot partners you have on any given week or night isn't what's important — it's the quantity of your quality.
Vanity Fair calls it the dating apocalypse, and The New York Times refers it as the end of courtship, as millennials are becoming more interested in having lots of sex instead of making an effort to get to know someone.
You don't have to go out on dates anymore or hang out at the bar — just make contact via Tinder, and sex is a few texts away. These days, it's about your text game (the ability to actually convince someone to do something over text).
In a piece in New York Magazine, Deborah, 27, a publicist, says, "I use text messaging to schedule all my booty calls. It usually takes about 10 messages until we're on our way to meet."
According to a study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, millennials (as opposed to past generations) are the most accepting of pre-marital sex. While initially, the average number of sex partners dipped, it has since returned to high levels.
"The younger the dater is, I've found the shorter the number of messages gets exchanged prior to arranging a date or hookup," says clinical psychologist Dr. Belisa Vranich.
The male-dating advice website, Tripp Advice, has these sexting tips, so you can get there in 10 messages or less: "Sexting is the modern day love letter. When done right, you can build up her anticipation of seeing you so that she can hardly wait to be with you and tear her clothes off."
1. Test the waters.
Make sure the woman is OK with it before you start sexting. The best way to do this is to subtly get her aroused with sexual but casual texts. Say things like, "Hey you, I was just about to take a long hot shower. What are you up to?" and, "Girl, I wish you were here right now."
2. Be real about your intentions.
Don't lead her on just to get what you want, or else she'll get offended and move on.
3. Do a lot of teasing.
Be creative about turning her on to build up her anticipation in seeing you in real time.
4. Choose your dick pic carefully.
Don't use pictures with any identifying marks, in case something goes wrong.
5. Delete all sexting conversations.
You don't want these talks to come back and bite you in the butt, so to speak.
6. When in doubt, don't send out.
See number five.
But according to Mashable, if you're looking for sex, for right now the key is brevity. Too many will get to know your messages, and you'll lose the game.