How Strangers Helped A Woman Extract Sperm From Her Dead Fiancé
Thanks to kindhearted strangers, this couple's dream will become a reality.

An Arizona woman decided to take her destiny into her own hands after a tragedy. And thanks to kind-hearted strangers, her and her deceased fiancé's dream will become a reality.
Stephanie Lucas, 22, was faced with the hardship of burying her fiancé, Cameron Robinett, 25, after he lost his life in a bad motorcycle accident. While his life was not saved, she was able to salvage what was left of their dreams and hopes for their future together. After discussing it with both her family, as well as Robinett's family, Lucas made the decision to extract the sperm from her dead fiancé and save it for a little later in life, when she is ready for motherhood. The sperm is good for a year from the date of the procedure.
As endearing as it may be, the procedure is by far inexpensive (at $9,000) and extremely time-sensitive. With neither family having the immediate access to the funds, Lucas took to social media and began raising money to get this procedure. Her GoFundMe page compelled many to support her cause, especially after reading her touching words:
In leu of flowers or gifts to honor Cameron, we're asking you to make a donation to actually bring a part of Cameron, the amazing, handsome, silly, guy that I loved with my whole heart back to life!
In the end Lucas, unexpectedly surpassed her initial goal of $7,000 with a total of over $15,000. She updated the page, giving thanks to those who had a helping hand in making her and Cameron's dreams of parenting a child come true.
I will never be able to say it enough—thank you for your support. It is everything.
Although her late fiancé will not physically be present for their child, Lucas is already starting to see the signs that he will be there in spirit. Recently she came across a baby Seattle Seahawks jersey he purchased.
h/t: elitedaily