Woman Is Asked To Leave Baby Shower Because She Wore A White Dress
She thought the rule only applied to wedding-related events, as did pretty much everyone else.

We all understand the unspoken rule that you cannot wear white to a wedding, or really any other bridal event for that matter, like a shower. However, those rules are not in place for events related to a new baby.
Still, one woman found herself vilified for wearing white to her close friend’s baby shower, despite all etiquette rules.
A woman wore white to a baby shower and was asked to leave because of it.
A woman took to Reddit to determine if she was in the wrong after she was kicked out of a baby shower for wearing white.
“I … have been friends [with] ‘Claire’ … since high school,” she explained. “We have a small group of friends that has stayed close since then.”
“Claire is pregnant and had her baby shower yesterday,” she stated. This should have been a happy occasion for the friends, but instead, things quickly got awkward.
“I wore a white and blue floral sundress,” she said. “I didn’t think anything of it because, as far as I know, white is only inappropriate for bridal events.”
Unfortunately, the woman was quite wrong, at least when it came to this mother-to-be.
“When I arrived at the shower, Claire’s mood seemed to immediately sour and she was really cold toward me,” she shared. “Later, one of my other friends pulled me aside and asked me to leave. She said that Claire was offended by my ‘attention-seeking behavior’ and that it was inappropriate to wear white to Claire’s event.”
This woman felt trapped and unsure of what to do, so she did the only thing she felt she could: “I left.”
“I’m super confused,” she admitted. “Like I said, I thought the white rule only applied to bridal events.”
There are really no firm rules about what you can’t wear to a baby shower.
While there are etiquette rules for almost everything nowadays, baby showers are one area in which these rules have largely not been applied.
Historic Acres of Hershey recommended dressing to fit any theme and the location. Beyond that, it is really up to the guest’s discretion.
“Although there’s no official dress code for a baby shower, celebrating such a happy occasion suggests wearing happy colors and prints; be mindful to steer clear of traditional blue and pink hues though, especially for gender-neutral showers,” they said. “The only color to consider avoiding is black as it’s often associated with funerals and mourning, which are not exactly new baby vibes.”
While there is a possibility that Claire was upset that her friend wore blue, it seems unlikely since that was never mentioned.
Commenters were very confused about why this happened.
The woman’s fellow Reddit users didn’t understand why the partially white dress was an issue at all.
“I’ve never once heard of not wearing white to a baby shower,” one person insisted. “Depending on the pattern and style, I’m not even sure I would consider a white and blue floral dress an absolute ‘no no’ for a bridal shower. It sounds like she was feeling insecure, and something about how you looked made her feel bad about herself. While that sucks, it’s not your fault.”
This is when more of the story surrounding this woman and her friends came out.
“I’ve always been the ‘bigger’ girl in our group (I’m not actually overweight or anything, but everyone else is very tall and slender, and I’m short with wide hips), so maybe she’s feeling bad that she’s bigger than I am right now?” she replied. “But she should be bigger because she’s eight months pregnant! And she looks fantastic!”
If that really is the reason Claire was rude to her friend, that’s not right at all. It’s never okay to take out your insecurities on someone else.
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news and human interest topics.