People With The Most Versatile Personality Type Share 12 Rare Traits
ENTP personalities are known for being incredibly versatile.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on the theory of psychological types suggested by psychiatrist Carl Jung and further developed by mother-daughter duo Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers.
The Myers-Briggs personality spectrum is one of the most accurate ways to figure out what kind of person you are, the other personalities you are compatible with, and the best career suited for you. And it's as simple as taking a personality test to determine which one you are.
But of the 16 different personality types a person can have, few have it as good as the ENTP versatile personality type. ENTP stands for Extroversion, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving, and when those traits are put together, they make one of the most versatile personality types out there.
People with the most versatile personality type share these rare traits:
1. They are adventurous
People always go to ENTPs when they want to have a crazy trip or a story to tell because they're very adventurous. For one reason or another, ENTPs just find their extroverted selves in crazy situations.
Perhaps that’s due to the ENTP's inquisitive nature and open mind. Either way, adventure follows ENTPs wherever they go. Because of this wild streak, routine is not an ENTP's thing.
2. They are adaptable
ENTPs always know how to adapt to new situations. Heck, they might even hate the status quo most of the time. ENTPs are known for being very adaptable and capable of finding new ways to survive, regardless of what happens.
3. They are inventive
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ENTPs are often called “the Inventors” because they are legitimately some of the most creative and inventive people out there. At times, they also tend to see the big picture, managing to “MacGuyver” a solution to everyday issues.
4. They are intelligent
ENTPs are considered to be a “brainy” personality type. ENTPs are very smart — so smart that people tell them they're smart on the regular. That’s not a bad thing, though. Intelligence is attractive and incredibly useful.
5. They are curious
ENTPs are very curious about the world around them and may even view learning as a favorite pastime. Good outing ideas for an ENTP would be a museum, library, or maybe watching Neil DeGrasse Tyson speak.
ENTPs also enjoy intellectual arguments over dinner, which may rub some folks the wrong way.
6. They are open-minded
ENTPs are often the most open-minded of the group and tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. ENTPs are open to seeing things in different ways and may be overly idealistic as a result of this.
In debates, people with this personality type may end up being a devil’s advocate, which can both infuriate and thrill those around them.
7. They are idealistic
Scheduling is just not an ENTP's thing, but you know what is? Ideas. ENTPs are more about ideas than concrete plans. They love coming up with concepts, even if they never come to fruition.
To a point, they may even be a type to be called “a dreamer” because of that. If ENTPs aren’t careful, though, they might also end up being the type to have a bunch of unfinished projects as a result.
8. They are argumentative
ENTPs have a knack for proving anything and everything, even if it’s not necessarily the legit deal. The ENTP's argument and debate skills are on point, and when added to their natural charisma, they’ve got an uncanny talent for convincing anyone of anything.
9. They are impulsive
ENTPs love risks — big time. They tend to be impulsive, often to the point of self-destruction. It's one of their biggest weaknesses. However the problem with ENTPs is that sometimes they don’t realize how risky impulsive behavior is, and that could put them in danger.
10. They are insensitive
ENTPs unfortunately tend to look down on people, sometimes even without realizing it. They may look at people who are "beneath them" as inferior and, as a result, don't always get to learn about other people and their customs beforehand.
11. They procrastinate
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ENTPs are such imaginative dreamers that sometimes they may spend time (too much time!) with their heads in the clouds, and that can make it difficult to focus. They tend to start a lot of different tasks at once but never end up finishing any of them, according to a study in the Journal of College Student Development.
12. They are intolerant
ENTPs are known to compliment themselves and love having other people match their capabilities. They can be quick to judge someone from an encounter or a group of people and aren't always very friendly.
ENTPs need to learn to be okay with people with different aspirations than their own.
By personality alone, ENTPs are some of the most charismatic people you’ll ever meet. They are adventurous, spontaneous, and passionate. That means getting a date by their personality alone is never hard. They are downright magnetic.
ENTPs also have an open mind that can be accepting of the right partner. Since they often hate schedules and “the mundane,” they may also have a bit of an “alluring starving artist” vibe about them.
That being said, most ENTPs are still somewhat practical in manner, so for the most part, they can still be adult. The problem is? Well, their mannerisms often make it hard to establish where friends begin and where lovers start.
ENTPs are natural flirts, which may make some folks jealous. And they may also have a harder time than most keeping things realistic. However, with some self-control, you’ll be alright, and you’ll be a great partner to the right person.
Ossiana Tepfenhart is a writer whose work has been featured in Yahoo, BRIDES, Your Daily Dish, Newtheory Magazine, and others.