The Singular Toxic Mindset That Keeps You From Being Happy
How your mindset is keeping you stuck in life.

While out on a hike recently, I spent some time thinking about the human condition. Too often we get hung up in a 'stuck mindset' and find ourselves stagnant, dreaming of bigger and better goals, but never achieving them.
The stuck mindset is a mentality many people experience regardless of demographics. These individuals' lives may look completely different on the outside — they can be highly-praised professionals or a person struggling with how to get by — but they share a similar way of thinking.
People who feel stuck often live without the belief in new life possibilities. Does this sound familiar?
Take a minute and ask yourself: how free are your thoughts? How expansive is your life journey?
Is your 'stuck' mindset hindering your growth?
One of our greatest gifts in life is free will, which contributes to our ability to create a unique life journey.
Free will also allows us to respond to the flashes of inspiration we each receive.
The flip side of inspiration is a stuck mind. This person stays in old life patterns, dodging challenges and making the same choices day after day.
This creates little opportunity for unexpected joy, love, and abundance in daily life.
In other words, the stuck mindset is a mind trained to expect the same thing year after year.
This might be experiencing the same relationship problems, the same job, the same health or family issues that keep you from fully engaging in life.
Our life reflects our mindset; until it doesn’t. Some individuals wake up and realize they no longer recognize who they have become.
Luckily, it's possible to recover from this loss of self, through open mind and open heart living.
How can you break free from a stuck mindset? Spend time outdoors in nature. This allows your thoughts to flow.
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Enjoy daydreaming about your ideal life. This plants the seeds for achieving your dreams.
Meditation helps you discover who you are and connect with your higher self. It also helps release what doesn’t serve you.
Slow down and allow yourself time to pause. This allows thoughtful responses to life.
Decreasing screen time helps keep your thoughts uncluttered by other’s drama.
Spend time alone. This allows creativity to flow.
Create a balanced lifestyle that holds room for growth and change.
Create a life free of toxic food and people. A healthy lifestyle allows your mind and heart to be clear, which helps you make good choices.
Invite spirituality into your life. This opens the door for miracles to find you.
What do an open heart and open mind living look like? You take conscious and thoughtful action in life. You are observant versus reactive. You are nonjudgmental with yourself and others. You are kind to yourself and others.
You are present and engaged in your life. You are accountable for your actions or nonactions. You trust yourself and the greater good. You have faith in something greater than yourself. You can let go of what no longer serves you. You allow opportunities to flow into your life. Your life is simple and uncomplicated.
How will your life benefit when you experience open heart and mind living? You experience less stress because your life is aligned with your truth and purpose. You experience true happiness and satisfaction. You find it easy to be grateful for what life offers.
You experience greater self-awareness. You experience greater self-confidence. Your relationships improve. You feel secure about your future. You enjoy increased intuition. You easily receive guiding messages from the Universe.
You experience ease in your life.
Sometimes our world or mindset changes in an instant, other times it comes about slowly.
Wherever you are in the process, consider taking spiritual classes or reading books on spiritual or metaphysical topics that interest you. If you want a deeper experience, take part in an immersive retreat.
Knowing we are limitless creates space for the highest vibration energy to merge in all ways possible. Awareness that you are part of everything you see but also separate, changes the rhythm of your life.
You experience an understanding of all that is. It's impossible to have a victim mentality.
You understand yourself to be empowered with beautiful choices all through life, death, and eternity. There's nothing outside of your reach yet nothing for you to control.
It's the allowing of life force energy that shares with you what your mind has created in harmony with the Universe.
Allow your guidance to show you the way gently. This same guidance is with you regardless of the vibrational energy you choose to work with.
Know that you also receive specific guidance in the art of allowing and manifesting, as you choose higher vibrational energy.
Have fun and enjoy all the possibilities of life through eternity.
Polly Wirum is a spiritual coach and psychic. She teaches clients how to discover their truth through psychic readings, astrological readings, and intuitive life coaching. She offers guided meditation and, in some cases, guided exploration of past lives.