8 Simple Daily Habits That People With Peaceful Lives Never Skip
Empowerment comes from being aware of your thinking.

The influence of past choices and experiences affects your thoughts about the present — and the future. But you don't have to be locked to old patterns or bad memories.
When you seek a more inspirational and high-vibrational way of living, your mind can be pulled far away from your current life.
You can transform your life by recognizing how your power increases when you are aware of your thoughts. Your energy will stay strong and clear.
Here are 8 ways to understand your inner reality & build a life of peace
1. Keep your thoughts safe from your fears.
Notice when your mind creates negative stories and worst-case scenarios. Remind yourself you have other choices and topics to flow with your thoughts. Choose again.
2. Wrangle and pull your thoughts from unhappy experiences in your past.
If you have the habit of traveling to challenging past experiences, remind yourself of other choices in your life story.
3. Stay well-grounded
There are times we need to dip into the future for inspiration on a current experience. Stay grounded and intentionally create a positive outcome, or allow yourself to daydream a little. Both of these can bring inspirational energy into your current moment.
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4. Stay connected to your spiritual team with prayer and meditation.
Both of these practices keep you connected to now. Intentional prayer gives a feeling of being connected to something powerful at the moment, while meditation offers an opportunity to bring your attention to your current experience.
5. Check in with current life lessons and how they affect you now.
When you step back to look at your situation objectively, you discover how to intentionally navigate life’s challenges without fear and transform your human experience.
6. Weave gratitude into your current life experience and thought process.
Your heart will open up, and your chest will expand, bringing a sense of personal strength into now. This practice might include thinking about what you are grateful for now or in the past. Gratitude will always impact your current situation positively.
7. Use grounding techniques to bring you back into your body and your current life experience.
This might be high-impact exercise, yoga, or just spending time in nature. You will still need to monitor your thoughts, but it is easier when you are grounded and feeling more physical strength.
8. Stay aware of triggers
Just as we need boundaries in other areas of our lives, we need boundaries with our thoughts. When you notice your thoughts and words going into an unhealthy, fear-based language, stop. Stay aware of the triggers that send you into a low vibrational mindset. You are in control of your thoughts, mindset, and life experience.
How to be aware of the effects of past, present, and future.
It is impossible to be aware of every experience and thought that has transpired from the time of our birth. Whether you are four years old or sixty years old, all you have is this moment, which is very powerful! Our past and future are elusive, yet we give these intangible things control over our lives. This does not mean you should not think about your past and future, choose what you decide to hold onto and what you imagine coming to fruition. Also, pay attention to when you are more connected to the past or future than your current moment.
We radiate the belief about our future, our current mindset, and the energy of past lessons in everything we do.
1. Take the opportunity to monitor thoughts
Recently I received a call regarding my annual mammogram screening. Some medical calls can bring up low-vibration feelings and fearful thoughts. The message was delivered in a kind but urgent tone. I had to come in for a repeat mammogram, ultrasound, and possible biopsy. My appointment was booked three weeks out.
During the three weeks, I received many texts, emails, and even phone calls reminding me of the pending appointment. I also began to have physical pain in the area of concern. This allowed me ample time to practice controlling my thoughts, bringing them away from fear.
If stressed, I typically turn inward and do more prayer, meditation, and communication with my guides and angels. This means I am not a great conversationalist with humans.
If I allowed fear into my thoughts, it would decrease my quality of life.
2. Understand the impact of fear and stress
Fearful thoughts and stress cause our energy to fragment and weaken our immune system, which affects physical and emotional wellness. The same thing happens when we allow our thoughts to travel past heavy, low-vibrational events. We are giving our power to an unpleasant experience of another time and place.
On the other hand, if you think inspirational thoughts and weave them into the current moment, that can be heart-opening and empowering. Visualizing things that make us happy can bring that energy into our current moment and strengthen our physical and emotional energy.
3. Cultivate a positive outcome
For three weeks, I prayed for a positive outcome. I sent healing and gratitude to my body. I intentionally focused on how strong I felt and how I loved life. I also asked Arch Angel Raphael for healing.
The morning of the appointment fell on the new moon. I had done a little ceremony for my wellness the night before. When I checked in the staff was extremely nice and welcoming. I learned that I would get the results that day.
I had a mammogram and ultrasound, and there was no need for a biopsy. Everything was considered normal. The pain that I had been experiencing was related to deep muscle tissue. I felt a tremendous amount of gratitude and relief.
When I was leaving the building, I saw several anxious-looking women. As I walked past, I silently sent them prayers for peace and ease and hoped they could find calm in the moment.
Polly Wirum is a spiritual coach and psychic. She teaches clients how to discover their truth through psychic readings, astrological readings, and intuitive life coaching. She offers guided meditation and, in some cases, guided exploration of past lives.