5 Hopeful Signs A Person Is Capable Of Meaningful Change
The seed of change is planted when we are young, but not everyone is ready to cultivate it.

The pull to change your life might start small, but the feeling grows stronger and stronger until it cannot be denied.
The need can originate from unplanned experiences that change your life unexpectedly. Yet, the transformation of your life into an expansive experience likely was planned long ago — even if you weren't consciouslly aware of it.
I recently began working with a personal trainer, and that experience got me thinking about which people are likely to succeed in the life changes they desire.
I love this personal trainer's creative and inspirational energy. He is a true professional at helping people transform their bodies into something they can trust and love. This is a gift, so I asked if he could tell who would be successful and what's the common characteristic.
What he said feels like it can be applied to change and growth in so many areas of our lives.
He shared that successful people are accountable and believe in their ability to change. They stick with things even when it is difficult. They connect with gratitude and joy at some point during every workout.
Five signs the transformation you yearn for is possible
1. You are facing bad habits established in your childhood.
Your childhood established your way of trusting and communicating. But even if they weren't healthy systems, they can be be put back on a healthy track.
Where do you go when you are stressed? Do you easily trust others or turn inward to solve your problems alone? Did abandonment issues plant a seed that ultimately will bring you to trusting others?
This is the basis of where your transformation begins. Look for the experiences that help you turn inward and trust. Think about where you are learning to feel safe with others. There is always healing potential in the area of trust.
2. You work or fight hard for your passions.
This makes you pull hard to acquire something, even if you have more than enough. Think of the perpetual student or the person who cannot walk away from work.
Overachieving is very telling and insightful. Look for where you work hard or are stuck in a pattern that does not bring joy or fulfillment. Is there something you are having difficulty leaving, even if it does not give you peace? Letting go of this self-inflicted pain sets you up for a beautiful heart opening and change in your life.
3. Your relationships start to create transformation.
Relationship changes shift the direction of your life. This includes the relationship you have with your body and health.
What relationships are charged with emotions and triggers? Do you have relationships that are no longer healthy? What relationships help you experience being loved and feeling safe? Where do you spend your time?
4. You suffered a significant loss in your life.
This could be a career change, divorce, or the death of a loved one. They all feed the seed of expansion and transformation.
After you grieved the loss and began to settle into your new way of living life, did you find a sense of freedom? This feeling of expansion can come in the most unexpected ways. For Example, after you lose a loved one, you might begin to communicate with them in a new way.
5. You feel the pull of joy.
This is the feeling of loving your life, and it is not dependent on what you have or who you are with. This often stays tucked away, in the back recesses of your mind, until something happens and you feel the pull to experience happiness and peace.
What connects you to peace and joy? Perhaps it is something from your past you are ready to discover again. Maybe you feel inspired to learn something new. Say yes to whatever opens your heart and propels you forward into your potential.
Pulling It All Together
I am very excited to get stronger and continue my transformation. I am also happy to see how Charlie evolves and expands with his new meditation practice and budding spiritual awareness. If he can embrace his vulnerability and lean into his nonlogical mind, he will explode into a million beautiful ways of being.
A real-life example
Charlie’s parents were 15 and 16 years old when he was born. He learned at a young age to depend on himself and work hard. Charlie also learned to trust himself and turn inward when life is stressful. He remembers being told, “I love you,” three times while growing up.
This planted the seed for a healing transformation to enable him to trust others and allow them into his inner world. Charlie’s work ethic helped him earn a master’s degree in exercise science. He learned to be very accountable and disciplined in his life.
His ability to focus on working hard planted the seed to heal in a way that offered a balance of feminine and masculine. He learned how to receive and honor his ability to take action.
The transformation unfolding for him is easy to see. He is learning to receive love. He is learning how to be vulnerable with his partner. The challenge is to be in the stillness and do nothing. His body and mind are goal-oriented. He is in the process of learning to appreciate nothingness. All these transformations can unfold in a million ways.
There is potential for expansion in every area of Charlie’s life and your life on many levels. The more a person is aware of their potential, the more ease and grace will be experienced during the transformation. Our potential for expansion is part of us and is part of our life journey.
Ultimately, your transformation will allow you to experience joy on Earth.
It is a continual process of trusting and letting go. This allows us to expand beyond challenges and conditioning. We can learn to express ourselves free of the past and other distractions.
Many of our rewarding experiences are discovered just beyond our limiting and conditioned beliefs. Our peace, joy, and compassion are found beyond our experiences. Trust that finding yourself in an expansive experience does not need to be filled with fear and pain it can be as simple as breathing in Grace and ease. I believe in your true potential as a human being crafted from love and driven by passion.
Polly Wirum is a spiritual coach and psychic. She teaches clients how to discover their truth through psychic readings, astrological readings, and intuitive life coaching. She offers guided meditation and, in some cases, guided exploration of past lives.