10 Signs Someone In Your Life Is A Good Person
Surround yourself with people who make you better.

We all want genuinely great people in our circle, but it can be hard to tell if someone is truly rooting for us or just pretending. After all, people fake being nice all the time.
How can you really tell the difference? Luckily, there are a few indicators that can help.
Here are 10 signs someone in your life is a good person
1. They are consistently kind
Samuel Peter | Pexels
Being kind is a good trait to possess, no matter who you are. But there's a huge difference between being kind and being kind consistently.
For instance, going out of your way to help someone is a kind thing to do. But volunteering twice a week is being kind consistently. When someone is kind consistently, that most likely means they're a good person. Because the reality is that anyone can be kind, even the worst of us.
Expressing consistent kindness, even when it's hard, shows a person of good character. It shows that this person has a beautiful soul. And not only do acts of kindness benefit others, it benefits us as well. According to one study, being kind boosts happiness and overall well-being. And that's a win-win.
2. They are empathetic
John Diez | Pexels
If you want to know if someone is truly a good person, think about whether or not they are empathetic. Good people will put themselves in the other person's shoes, while unkind people will criticize others without a second thought.
Yet, this isn't surprising. Some of the kindest people we know have gone through their own fair share of turmoil and heartbreak.
According to research, people who have gone through adversity tend to be both empathetic and compassionate, which may explain why good people are this way. In fact, another study found that empathy creates kinder people, who are happier and have greater overall well-being.
3. They have respect for others
SHVETS production | Pexels
A good person will remain respectful, even in the face of disrespect. Understandably, this might sound confusing. After all, if someone is being disrespectful, you should have the guts to stand up for yourself, right?
While you should always speak your mind and advocate for yourself, there's always a way to do so respectfully. Meaning, you don't have to yell or cause a scene to be heard or to make your boundaries clear. A simple firm tone and direct eye contact should do the trick.
When we look at the effects of respect, we start to see why good people choose to take the higher road.
According to one study, "Overall happiness in life is more related to how much you are respected and admired by those around you, not to the status that comes from how much money you have stashed in your bank account." And nothing garners more respect and admiration than someone who chooses to remain kind, even when it's hard.
4. They are grateful for the little things
Farknot Architect | Shutterstock
We all take things for granted sometimes. Perhaps we received a gift we didn't like or maybe we don't appreciate a relationship until it's far too late. Taking things for granted is the ultimate demise of our satisfaction and happiness in life, which is why good people choose to remain grateful, even for the smallest things.
Good people keep their spirits high and are able to find the best in any situation. Research shows that people who choose to be grateful are far more happier. And according to another study, couples who express gratitude have higher relationship satisfaction, showing that a little bit of gratitude goes a long way.
5. They are willing to own up to their mistakes
Olena Yakobchuk | Shutterstuck
If someone is willing to apologize and admit they made a mistake, it's a good indication that they are a good person.
Most people hate admitting they were wrong. And, according to research, when we refuse to apologize, it preserves our self-esteem and makes us feel more powerful. On the flip side, when someone is willing to apologize, they're going against their own interest to make amends.
Kind people understand the importance of putting their ego aside, and they know just how impactful it can be. In fact, studies have shown that apologizing is great for interpersonal forgiveness and reduces negative emotions.
6. They offer support in times of need
Monkey Business Images | Shutterstock
Having a good person in your life means having someone you can trust. It means having someone to go to in your greatest time of need. Because a person who has a heart of gold will never let someone they love down just because it's difficult. Due to their selfless nature, they are more than willing to lend a hand or be a shoulder to cry on.
Now, just like anyone, good people have their own boundaries. And if you're always depending on them for help, they might distance themselves for their own mental health. But overall, truly good people will be there for their friends and family, especially when they're going through a tough time.
7. They want you to succeed
fizkes | Shutterstock
You can really tell if someone is on your side based on how they react to your successes. And if someone shows jealousy, contempt, or makes snide remarks, they likely aren't a good person.
According to multiple studies, people with low self-esteem are more likely to feel inferior and jealous. These individuals then react aggressively as a way to conform to social norms.
So, if you want to avoid drama, it's best to cut off people like this. Because a truly good person who cares about you will always root for you, no matter what.
8. They listen attentively
Josep Suria | Pexels
Someone who truly cares about you will be willing to lend an ear. They want to know what's bothering you and how they can help. After all, it's in their nature.
Good people want others to feel good about themselves. They want to uplift their loved ones and put a smile on their face. So, if you have someone in your life who is like that, hold on tight. That individual is probably a real one.
9. They keep their promises
Dean Drobot | Shutterstock
A good person will try to keep their promises, no matter what. They go out of their way to fulfill their obligations because they understand the impact of broken promises and, by extension, broken trust.
According to one study, "High betrayal trauma exposure [is] associated with lower levels of self-reported general and relational trust." This means that trust issues lead us to trust ourselves less, which leads to trusting others less as well.
10. They uplift others and keep things positive
Perfect Wave | Shuttetstock
Good people are not afraid to uplift others. When one of their friends or loved ones succeeds, they are the first to celebrate and congratulate. Their positivity is contagious and you'll be hard-pressed to find someone who isn't affected by their beautiful energy.
Combined with their honest intentions and kind nature, good people shine bright, no matter what. And they want everyone around them to feel the same.
Marielisa Reyes is a writer with a bachelor's in psychology who covers self-help, relationships, career, family, and astrology topics.