8 Signs Of Silent Abuse Most People Completely Miss
Some people don't even recognize they're in an abusive relationship.

As a domestic violence survivor myself who was married to a silent abuser for eight years, I'm going to let you in on a little secret here: If you're wondering if you're being abused, there's a good chance that you are.
Sure, I could listen to your story and give you my opinion, but the first person who's going to know if you're being abused is you. Because you will see the things that no one else sees, and surprisingly, the first warning signs of domestic abuse are silent.
They aren't the big red warning flags we are taught in school or on PSAs on TV. Silent abuse comes long before a hand is ever laid on you or a police report can be filed. These signs are subtle, quiet, and only known to you. These are the alarms that go off in your gut instincts, and they can only be heard by you.
Here are the signs of silent abuse that most people completely miss
1. You fear your partner's reaction to a situation more than the situation itself
I was at a local festival when I got back to my car and saw that someone had clearly backed into my bumper and then drove away. Standing there looking at the peeling paint and slightly indented corner, my first reaction was not one of frustration over the situation, but rather fear of going home and telling my husband, because I knew that he was going to flip out.
Sure enough, when I got home and he got a good look at my car, he began to scream, yell, rant, and rave. It wasn't my fault, yet to him, it was always my fault, and all of his anger was directed at me.
If you spend your days in fear of how your partner is going to react to the world around them, you aren't in a place where you feel safe with your partner. If getting stuck in traffic and being late to dinner is a lesser problem than how your partner will react to it, you might be heading towards abuse.
2. It doesn't upset you to argue with your partner — it scares you
Studio Romantic / Shutterstock
When I argue with the man I'm dating, it upsets me. It upsets me that the person I love is either angry at me or that I'm angry with him. It upsets me because I love him and I don't like having tension in our relationship, but what it doesn't do is scare me.
I'm not scared that he might hit me in anger. I'm not scared that he's going to run off and cheat on me just because he's angry at me, or do something else that would be just as emotionally damaging. Fighting, while unpleasant, doesn't scare me. If fighting scares you, you might have something to be scared about.
Feeling scared rather than upset when arguing with a partner could indicate a deep-seated fear of intimacy, potential relationship instability, or a history of unhealthy conflict patterns, often stemming from childhood experiences where conflict was perceived as highly threatening or unsafe.
A study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships concluded that this fear can manifest as a fight-or-flight response, leading to avoidance or extreme anxiety during disagreements. Work on establishing a secure foundation in your relationship by openly communicating your feelings and needs, and validating your partner's perspective.
3. When you get into a fight, you look for the nearest exit
This may seem self-explanatory, but it's not. Many people don't even consciously realize that they are doing it. And even if they do realize it, they often try to convince themselves that they are just being irrational, because if their partner has never hit them before, then why are they on edge during an argument? This is your gut instinct telling you that you aren't safe.
This is the warning sign that too many people miss, and the one they need to be paying attention to the most. If you find yourself getting into arguments with your partner, and in the back of your mind you're already planning your escape, don't brush it off — that little alarm bell may be warning you of a danger that you just haven't seen yet.
4. You don't trust them
Trust is earned and easily lost. Many relationships fail because of trust issues, but what many people don't realize is that the repeated betrayal of trust is a form of abuse.
If the person you're dating is demanding your trust or making you feel guilty if you don't trust them — and hasn't given you reasons not to trust them — you may be getting manipulated or emotionally abused. No one knows how you feel about your partner except for you, and if you can't trust them then you have a problem.
This often stems from past experiences or a fear of betrayal, causing individuals to scrutinize their partner's behavior and motives excessively.
A 2020 study by Psychological Reports found that people who don't trust their partner often tend to interpret ambiguous behaviors negatively, magnifying potential issues and minimizing positive actions.
5. They make you feel crazy
Have you ever had a conversation with someone where they were trying to convince you of something that you said, and you were pretty sure you did not say what they swore you said? Do you know how crazy that makes you feel? It's utterly maddening.
Gaslighting is a form of abuse where one person tries to manipulate the other person by bending or twisting the truth to support their viewpoint and their agenda. It can be as blatant as them flat-out lying to you, but it can be as subtle as them trying to get you to believe that you're wrong in situations where you're right.
Since outsiders can't see the inner workings of your relationship, it's up to you to realize that if you're beginning to feel like you're going crazy, it may be your partner who is making you feel that way on purpose.
6. You feel like you always need their opinion
Srdjan Randjelovic / Shutterstock
When I make a big decision, I want to run it past the man I'm dating to see what he thinks of my choice. I do this because I value his opinion, and I respect it. But at the end of the day, I'm going to weigh my feelings along with his, and I'm still going to do what's best for me.
But if you're feeling like you need to get your partner's opinion on everything, because they will be angry with you if you don't, then something is wrong.
It could be as "simple" as a self-esteem issue or some co-dependency problems, but if you're basing your life choices, career options, clothing attire, and lifestyle values around what your partner expects from you or even demands from you, you're being controlled. And that control may very well turn into abuse.
The feeling of constantly needing your partner's opinion is often linked to low self-esteem, insecurity, and a strong desire for validation, stemming from a need to feel understood and supported within the relationship. This can manifest in a dependence on your partner's perspective even for minor decisions, potentially impacting relationship dynamics and individual autonomy.
A study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology recommended openly discussing concerns with your partner about the need for their opinion on every decision can help establish healthier communication patterns.
7. You don't want to be around anyone but them
We've all been there: you meet someone, fall madly in love, and want to spend every single second with that person. But usually, we emerge from our little love cocoon and back into the real world. Or, at least, we are supposed to.
In some cases, one person is ready to start branching out and the other person isn't ready to let them. For instance, in my situation, I wanted to hang out with my friends, but my soon-to-be husband threw such a fit about how he would miss me and "why would you leave me all alone on a Friday night?" that I didn't go.
Just as I hadn't gone out with them on Monday for dinner or Wednesday for drinks. The same as why I hadn't gone out with them the weekend before that one, or the weekend before that. And he wasn't telling me that I couldn't go, he was just making me feel so guilty that I was choosing not to go.
So it wasn't abuse, because I was making the choice, right? Wrong. That in and of itself wasn't one of the signs of domestic abuse, but it was a big hint as to what was to come.
If your partner feels secure enough in your relationship that they can respect and support you having a life outside of just them, you're good to go. But if you find yourself slowly cutting off ties to your friends and family, you need to worry that your partner is isolating you.
8. You feel guilty all the time
This is a big missed sign for a lot of domestic violence victims, yet it's often the single most telling sign that abuse may be in the future. If you're spending the majority of your relationship feeling guilty, you may have a big problem.
The first tool an abuser often uses is to control their feelings by making their victims feel as if everything is their fault. If they are unhappy? It's the victim's fault. If life isn't going the way they want it to be going? It's the victim's fault. If they are "settling" for someone less than what they deserve? It's the victim's fault for not being more perfect or "good enough" for them.
Because if everything is the victim's fault, then it's never the abuser's fault. And the abuser doesn't need to feel as if they are doing anything wrong... like abusing you.
We have been taught for years that if someone hits you, you're being abused. But the problem is that by the time someone does hit their victim, they have been abused for so long that they are no longer able to see a clear way out.
By then, an abuser has already stolen so much of their victim's self-esteem, taken control over their lives, and separated them from the people who could have helped them, that "just leaving" is no longer as simple as "just" leaving. It's why, if we want to protect ourselves, we need to learn to see the warning signs of abuse before they ever become as visible as a black eye.
Constantly feeling guilty in a relationship is often linked to a concept called omnipotent responsibility guilt, which is the belief that one has the power and duty to make their partner happy. This leads to feelings of guilt when they prioritize their own needs or can't fully fulfill that perceived responsibility.
A study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology concluded that this can stem from childhood experiences and attachment styles where individuals learned to prioritize others' needs over their own.
If you think you may be experiencing depression or anxiety as a result of ongoing emotional abuse, you are not alone. Domestic abuse can happen to anyone and is not a reflection of who you are or anything you've done wrong. If you feel as though you may be in danger, there is support available 24/7/365 through the National Domestic Violence Hotline by calling 1-800-799-7233. If you’re unable to speak safely, text LOVEIS to 1-866-331-9474.
Eden Strong is a regular contributor to a variety of digital outlets, including Lifetime Moms, XOJane, Scary Mommy, Catster, and Dogster.