17 Signs You're More Naturally Irresistible Than The Average Woman
If these signals ring true, you are anything but typical.

An irresistible woman is confident, happy, and positive with a rich, full life. If you're hoping to find a great lover who will fill the void in your life, know this: Nothing scares off a love interest faster than thinking you want them to be your everything. That is a terrifying prospect for anyone.
No one wants to be solely responsible for another person's happiness. The pressure is far too much for any person to take on. So, what can you do to portray yourself as a thriving and fun woman with an upbeat outlook?
Trite as it may sound, when you find ways to love yourself and your life now, you are taking steps to make yourself practically irresistible. Feeling confident helps you be more socially active and accessible. And that’s how you become more attractive and energetically magnetic.
Here are seventeen signs you're more irresistible than the average woman:
1. You have a core of confidence
Every week, choose one of the physical characteristics you like about yourself and appreciate that trait daily. Look in the mirror and admire your big, beautiful eyes, graceful hands, or shapely legs. Pour the love on yourself.
After seven days, choose another attribute and appreciate it for a week. Please keep it going to build your self-esteem. Self-appreciation is alluring.
Hypnotherapist Katherine Agranovich understood that self-appreciation can be challenging: "Feeling confident and worthy is not a well-established habit for most of us. After all, as humans, we are habitual beings. Being an adult grants us the power and freedom to choose which habits we want to host and which ones to let go of, but inner work is the work of our lifetime. It is also most rewarding, leading to a true sense of joy and satisfaction."
2. You are aware of your accomplishments
You have probably achieved many things in your life, but most people tend to focus on what hasn't been done yet.
To feel good about what you have completed, make a list and keep it at home near the bed. Then, upon waking or before going to sleep, read over the list and feel proud of what you’ve accomplished.
3. You talk positively to yourself
Andrii Nekrasov via Shutterstock
People are frequently far more critical of themselves than anyone else would ever be. To turn this around and feel good about who you are, learn how to speak to yourself more positively, as supported by research from the American Psychological Association.
Start by noticing when you are beating yourself up, then stop. Next, think of something nice to say internally.
Let’s say you didn't get something done from your list today. Don’t be too mad at yourself. Instead, be kind by thinking about what you did finish — and remember you can get more done tomorrow.
The nicer you are to yourself, the better others will treat you as well.
4. You know when to get a makeover
Maybe it’s been a while since you had a new hairstyle or bought new makeup. If so, it’s time. Try a new cut or color, get some highlights, or choose a new lipstick or eyeliner. Freshening up your style is invigorating and makes you look and feel more youthful.
Dating coach Sand Weiner explained, "When you are comfortable with your appearance, you will naturally act with more confidence on your date. Update your wardrobe, hire an image consultant, or go to a department store and get a makeover. It doesn't take much for an instant makeover, and the results will help you radiate beauty wherever you go."
5. You let yourself indulge
Go ahead and treat yourself to a little luxury. Whether you decide to get a facial or massage at a spa or enjoy a bubble bath at home, take good care of yourself.
If you want to be spoiled in love, start by spoiling yourself.
6. You wield the power of a smile well
Research from the Association for Psychological Science shows that people are happier the more they smile, even if you have to make a conscious effort.
So curl up the corners of those luscious lips and show off your prize-winning smile. You can make another person's day (and yours, too!) with a warm smile and just 2-3 seconds of eye contact!
7. You apply your creativity
When you paint a picture, play music, or knit a scarf, you are accessing the creative part of your brain. Immersing yourself in a creative project can get you into the “flow” or “zone” where you block out the world and focus solely on creative expression.
Many people find crafts or artistic projects highly satisfying and another way to build confidence.
8. You appreciate the people in your life
Few people get the acknowledgment they deserve, whether they are friends, family members, or colleagues. When you take time to let people know how much you appreciate them and what they do, you will create a ton of goodwill.
9. You keep a fresh look
Select a few items for every season to keep your look up-to-date. I'm not suggesting you become a dedicated follower of fashion. Yet, do make sure the pieces flatter your figure and skin tone. Select at least one or two items that would make great dinner outfits so you are prepared for a hot date.
10. You are always learning something new
When you get involved and learn something new, it makes you more interesting!
Find a subject you’re passionate about and dig in. Then, when you talk about your discoveries, your conversation will be animated, and your personality will sparkle.
11. You keep the blood flowing
Alice Xue Photography
Moving your body and working out get the blood flowing, which sends more oxygen to all your cells, including your brain. Not only is this good for your body, mind, and spirit, but you’ll get some feel-good endorphins released into your system, too.
There’s no doubt about it: Exercising leads to greater confidence and a positive mindset.
12. You are grateful for what is good
Everyone tends to focus on what they don’t have or what’s not working. But you’ll feel much happier and become more attractive, feeling grateful for everything that is going well.
Psychologist Sharon Saline explained a way to express gratitude, "Giving thanks is an act of kindness and an expression of caring. It fosters integrity, generosity, and closeness. Take some time to think about the people who bring you joy, are supportive, or love you for who you are. It could be a friend, relative, coach, mentor, or manager."
Saline continued, "Consider and appreciate these people for being part of your support team, a precious resource that sustains you daily. How could you express gratitude towards them and show them how much they mean to you? This might be a written note, an act of service, or a heartfelt conversation."
They say an attitude of gratitude is very magnetic!
13. You try new activities
Maybe it’s time to try something new. Go bowling, sign up for indoor tennis, or play bridge or poker. You might learn to kayak, buy a new bicycle, or join a gym.
There are countless activities to try no matter where you live, so pick one and give it your best shot.
14. You use affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements said in the present tense as if they are happening right now. For example, you might say, “The right person is ready to meet me, and I am attracting them now!”
The repetition helps the positive thought get into your subconscious mind, which is the place where manifesting begins. Repeat your affirmations out loud to yourself several times a day or when you wake up. You can also write them daily in a notebook or journal to help your dreams come true.
"As we practice positive affirmations and begin to see lasting change, we can make some bigger jumps in the next ones because we've reprogrammed ourselves to feel successful in reaching for and achieving. It's like goal setting: you can set them all you want, but it's goal-achieving you're after, isn't it?" explained certified life coach Kelly Rudolph.
"Remember, while your words and thoughts are very powerful, your feelings contain the most power. There are emotions connected to your words and thoughts, so it's important to use the correct words when we speak to or about ourselves and others."
15. You know when to start a new project
Do you have projects you’ve been putting off? There’s nothing like crossing something off your list to feel good about yourself!
Clean out the basement or go through your closet and give away anything you haven’t worn or used in a year. Paint your bedroom or redecorate completely.
Enjoy every step of the process, especially the finished product.
16. You like to meet people
Oneinchpunch via Shutterstock
Make it a practice to say hello to folks you pass on the street as you walk by. Greet co-workers in the elevator. Strike up a conversation while in line at the grocery store.
You can meet people anywhere when you are friendly. I’ve had clients find love at the dog park, buy new linens, and leave Walmart. You never know until you try it yourself.
17. You find the good in others
When you see a person walking down the street, ask yourself, “Why does their partner love them?”
This practice accomplishes two powerful shifts. First, you’ll start spotting the people all around you and create a greater awareness and a more abundant feeling. Second, you’ll be thinking positively as you wonder what is good about everyone you pass rather than internally criticizing them. Reducing judgment is a surefire way to make yourself more lovable.
Each of these ideas provides an opportunity to expand your world and live a fuller life. When you are engaged in activities — either alone or with others — you lift your spirits and create opportunities to experience more joyful living. That, in turn, makes you more magnetic and practically irresistible to quality people who are looking for love with the right woman.
So, what are you waiting for? Choose a few of the suggestions above and follow through with them to enrich your life and heighten your irresistible presence.
Ronnie Ann Ryan is an Intuitive Coach, Past Life Reader, and author of six books. She’s the creator of the free audio course How to Ask the Universe for a Sign and Get an Answer Within 24 Hours. She's been published on ABC, BBC, and NPR.