12 Phrases Highly Charismatic People Use To Make Everyone Feel Important
Feeling heard is the basis for all healthy, fulfilling, and good-natured conversations.

Charisma isn't necessarily defined by a singular trait, but rather a sleuth of verbal and nonverbal conversations, body language techniques, and confidence-centered mindsets that influence relationships, conversations, likability, and even internal self-esteem. With the right concoction of intentionality and introspection, charismatic people tend to energetically attract the best kinds of attention — whether it's a passing conversation with a stranger, a lifelong partner, or success at work.
Luckily for people struggling with making a great impression or feeling unfulfilled in their conversations, charisma is an entirely learnable skill, like experts from the Harvard Business Review suggest. By using some of the phrases highly charismatic people use to make everyone feel important, you not only learn how to leverage charisma in conversations, but find your footing in the confidence necessary to find healthy, fulfilling connections.
Here are 12 phrases highly charismatic people use to make everyone feel important
1. 'I understand how you feel'
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Making people feel heard in conversation isn't just rooted in intentional active listening, but creating a safe space for people to express their emotions and feel supported in doing so.
By trying to see things from their perspective and offering words of encouragement throughout a conversation, charismatic people validate others in ways that build confidence, trust, and genuine connection.
2. 'I appreciate you'
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Yearning to feel validation and appreciation in conversation is an innately human need, according to experts from the Harvard Business Review, and the better we become at feeding into it, the more wholesome and fulfilling our connections become.
Cultivating safe spaces with phrases like "I appreciate you" not only acknowledge other people's vulnerability, but support their contributions to conversations with our best interests in mind, breaking down the shackles of small talk and passive conversation to unveil more intentional connections.
Charismatic people find ways to make the most of small moments, expressing empathy and kind praise to people, regardless of the setting, that makes everyone feel appreciated.
3. 'How can I support you?'
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Charismatic people project confidence in their conversations, offering their help, support, and love to others yearning to feel heard, according to public speaker Dr. John C. Maxwell. By learning about others, from their struggles to their quirky personality traits, they find ways to be of service to others, even if it's just by lending a listening ear.
Rather than making their service or support a burdening transaction, they open the door to be an asset for other people, even if all they need is some words of encouragement to succeed or feel loved.
4. 'You're special to me'
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Meaningful conversations thrive when active listening techniques are prioritized — something that charismatic people have committed to excelling at in their connections. By showing a thoughtful interest in other people's thoughts, finding shared experiences, and asking intentional questions, they can make people feel special in moments of passing vulnerability.
By making a concerted effort to listen and support others, alongside phrases like "You're special to me," charismatic people often shape their magnetic energy and reputation by fueling other people's confidence and security in conversations.
5. 'Thank you for sharing your time with me'
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There's power in reminding people that you're grateful for their presence, even if it's in a meeting at work or with your partner at the end of a hard day. Breaking down the veil of unthoughtful interaction, charismatic people find moments to ensure the people in their lives feel loved and secure without question.
According to experts at the Mayo Clinic Health System, expressing gratitude isn't just fulfilling for conversations and relationships, but also for internal emotional well-being and mental health.
When charismatic people leverage small acts of kindness and passing moments to share gratitude with others, they're also protecting their own physical immunity, feeding into their self-esteem, and promoting a more present mindset that fuels their healthy emotional well-being.
6. 'I take full responsibility for that'
Andrii Nekrasov | Shutterstock.com
Instead of shifting blame onto others and isolating themselves from accountability, like psychology expert Kendra Cherry argues can quickly sabotage healthy connection and communication, charismatic people view their mistakes and slip-ups as a way to build trust and grow with others.
They bond with others by taking accountability, even if it's something as simple as a leader at work taking responsibility for a collective issue and working collaboratively to fix it. By setting their own ego aside and leveraging a positive growth mindset, charismatic people not only motivate themselves to be better, but others to join them.
7. 'Tell me more about your experience with that'
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Finding shared experiences in conversations and cultivating healthy space for intentional conversation can help to shape the healthiest relationships.
By opening the door for people to talk more about themselves, there's not just more room to find these shared passions and interests, but space for charismatic people to help others feel heard.
8. 'I trust your judgment'
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According to leadership coach Christina R. Wilson, there's a number of ways to build trust in a conversation and relationship, most of which are rooted in clear communication, honesty, and consistency.
By reminding people, with one of the phrases highly charismatic people use to make everyone feel important, that you value their opinion and trust them in conversation, you also wield power in shaping balanced, thoughtful relationships.
Giving people the confidence to speak their mind and lead with their autonomous spirit not only helps charismatic people to feel empowered, it helps others to feel secure and appreciated in their relationships together.
9. 'Would you mind if I offered you a suggestion?'
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There's a time and place for advice, and truly charismatic people understand that offering their own judgment and expertise isn't always helpful or productive, whether they're in a professional environment or at home with a partner.
By using a phrase like this, which opens the door for potential advice and solution-oriented conversation, charismatic people ensure they're not dismissing or invalidating other people's opinions by opting for solutions, rather than support.
10. 'I've enjoyed talking to you, let's stay in touch'
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While there's a profound joy to be experienced in passing conversations or in simple acts of kindness, charismatic people have a knack for turning these small connections into longer, more fulfilling relationships.
Leaving another person with a sense of positivity and excitement, a phrase like this opens the door to a longer connection — helping people to feel valued in conversations and heard in expressing their true selves.
By choosing words and phrases that genuinely connect with others, you're crafting better relationships, leaving a lasting impression on people who shape your charismatic and positive reputation.
11. 'You handled that situation with incredible grace'
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Many of the phrases highly charismatic people use to make everyone feel important revolve around healthy intentional praise. They're not just listening and making space for others to express their emotions and share, they also give out intentional compliments and praise that build trust and empathy.
Like a study published by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology explains, when we share praise and positivity with others, they tend to associate those good traits with us — helping charismatic people build a consistent reputation that opens the door for more healthy conversations and connections.
12. 'I believe in you'
Dean Drobot | Shutterstock.com
While a relationship founded entirely on external validation and praise isn't always healthy, driven by insecurity or internal struggle, charismatic people tend to strike a perfect balance between encouraging others, fueling their own self-esteem, and offering praise.
Leadership experts from Business Training Works argue that being able to lead with charisma and positivity often delivers more positive results, whether you're leading at work or connecting with someone in a conversation.
By making people feel heard and valued, two facets of healthy communication and active listening, charismatic people can both empower others to be their best, most genuine selves, while also prioritizing their own emotional and social well-being.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a staff writer with a bachelor's degree in social relations & policy and gender studies who focuses on psychology, relationships, self-help, and human interest stories.