People Who Truly Never Procrastinate Follow These 12 Steps To Get Motivated
How to never feel stuck again.

It's easy to judge other people from the outside and assume their apparent lack of productivity means they're lazy. All of that changes when suddenly we find ourselves struggling to get motivated and procrastinating. Often what happens next is a feeling of shame. Worse, we believe the only thing that can resolve the shame is to stop procrastinating.
The problem is, shame isn't defeated by shaming yourself into getting started! It only makes things worse.
Here's why: Fear takes over and stops us dead in our tracks, to leave us stuck. To get things done, you need to find the motivation to face the fear — and motivation needs to come from within.
People who stop procrastination follow these steps to get un-stuck
1. Write on paper how you're spending your time
If you work that's a big chunk of at least five days of your week. But what are you doing with all of your non-work time? If you can't get it down on paper now, then monitor yourself for a week and figure out where those chunks of time are going.
Are you watching TV during a lot of that time? Are you on Facebook for a large amount of time? If your dream is to be an author, how much of that downtime you spend on other things could be converted to writing?
Psychotherapist Monica Ramunda advised, "Don't underestimate the power of putting pen to paper, as supported by the APA. Be specific about your goals and place them where you'll see them daily, such as on the bathroom mirror or near your morning coffee spot. The act of writing increases the likelihood of success and serves as a constant reminder of your aspirations."
Don't judge the list right now, just make it — and be honest.
2. List the steps to fulfilling your dreams
Daniel Hoz via Shutterstock
You may have never done this or you may have not done it in a long time. Goals and dreams are reached progressively, not all at once.
Set benchmarks and a timeline for reaching them. If you have to eliminate some other activities to do this, it will be worth it in the long term. Sometimes laziness is conquered by just having a plan.
3. Do a goal check
This may be a bit scary, mostly because you've probably had your goal/dream for a while. You've expressed it to others, and it's become a part of you. But if that dream is falling apart because you aren't moving toward it, it may be because it's no longer meaningful to you.
Here is the real test: If actions toward the goal are seen as drudgery or boring, or if you're deliberately procrastinating, then you have the wrong goal, as explored by an article in Applied Psychology Journal. Maybe you've outgrown it; maybe your priorities have changed, but you aren't lazy.
It's time for some real reflection on where you want to be five years from now. It's time to change course with no guilt or shame.
People change course all the time — that's the wonderful thing about freedom of choice!
Fear paralyzes us, even when we don't recognize it as such. We often mistake it for laziness or procrastination, behaviors that result from fear. So, what common fears might be related to your dreams and how can you conquer them?
4. Overcome fear of failure with small risks
Somehow in this society, we've developed the notion that failure is a reflection of a person's lack of ability, talent, or motivation. And because of this rather pervasive notion, the fear of failure keeps us from moving in the direction of our dreams. You can't get motivated if you're stuck in your fear of failing.
Your dream isn't an overnight thing. It's achieved in sequential steps. So take a risk with just step one. Instead of quitting your job and sinking all of your savings into that dream venture, start freelancing on the side. Small successes will dissolve those fears over time.
Dr. Ramunda recommended, "Setting small attainable monthly goals. Break down larger aspirations into manageable monthly objectives. Instead of aiming to start your own business by the end of the year, focus on smaller, achievable goals each month, such as joining a business group or creating a website. This approach maintains enthusiasm and prevents the overwhelming feeling of a distant deadline."
5. Overcome fear of criticism with silence
This fear usually is the result of a lack of self-confidence and the notion that our self-worth is from people outside of ourselves. Certainly, we want to make our parents proud, but if that means that we fail to pursue a dream for fear of their criticism of it, then we're way too dependent on others for our validation.
Here's how you eliminate this fear: Stop talking about your dream to people who are critical of it.
Pursue that dream and only speak of it to people who encourage you.
6. Overcome fear of success by achieving small successes
Yes, some people fear success, and you may be one of them. The problem here is this: Once you reach your dream, what next? Many people subconsciously don't reach their goals because they fear the need to set new ones to keep moving forward.
This is a certain amount of security in continuing to talk about your goal and in showing people that you're steadily working toward it. They'll admire your persistence even if it's never achieved. But if you achieve a goal, then you must set a new one, and what if you don't achieve that one?
Fear of success turns into fear of failure again! And the solution is the same. Take small risks, meet with success, and move forward one step at a time. If one goal is reached, set that new one, rinse, and repeat.
Having a "win" under your belt is incredibly motivating.
7. Divide goals
If you feel overwhelmed by your goal or dream, break it down into small chunks (also known as "Swiss cheesing"). Bite and chew one little piece at a time.
Take just step one today. You'll be surprised how motivating it is to build your confidence, even little by little. This also helps prevent procrastination.
8. Hang out with the right people - Yuri A via Shutterstock
Surround yourself with busy, active achievers instead of those without much direction or who discourage you.
"I noticed how I limited or trapped myself in relationships with "friends" who needed me. That investment often created a dependency that didn't help me or them because it postponed their eventual self-sufficiency. Those wasted years and discomfort forced clarity and honesty about how to avoid such repetition of distractions, detours, and mistakes. I realized I had been avoiding unfinished business when I finally figured out why love did not sustain in my significant relationships," explained career coach Ruth Schimel.
9. Visualize meeting the goal
What will your life look like? Where will you be? What will you be doing?
Career coach Lisa Petsinis explained the power of using visualization, "Getting what you want requires clearly defining and imagining what you want. From snagging the last parking spot to landing your dream job, visualization can make the difference. Did you know that your brain does not know the difference between reality and your visions? Mental practice makes perfect! Close your eyes and see each step toward your desires in perfect detail."
Dream about it, and dive in. It's OK! It may even help you manifest those dreams of yours.
10. Make a separate dream to-do list
This is separate from the lists you make for personal and work tasks. List each step in the appropriate sequence. Put it in a visible place, so that you see it every day.
For example, if you want your own business:
- Get your vision down on paper.
- Develop your business plan.
- Get a great name and register it in your state (that's always a good feeling).
- Find the startup money. And so on.
Keep this to-do list separate from your daily task to-do list your work to-do list or any other list you may be keeping. It can be discouraging to see a long, long list — you may feel like you'll never be able to accomplish it.
It'll be motivating to check all the items off some shorter lists, then revisit your long "dream" list with the knowledge that this one might take a little longer.
11. Stop using distractions as an excuse
"My present job keeps me too busy." "I don't have any support." "It's just too hard." Remember, we always find the time and the wherewithal to do what we want to do.
If you aren't finding the time, then go back and do a "goal check."
12. Identify fears and walk over them
Ask yourself, "What's the worst that could happen?" Will you be dead? No. Will your life be in ruins with nowhere to turn? No. If your parents or other family members disapprove, will they still love you? Yes.
Get the right dreams, lose your fear, and write your own story. It's the only real way to get motivated if you're feeling stuck.
You can do this.
Alice Calch is a blogger and writer, currently working at GhostProfessors. She writes primarily about health, self-improvement, motivation, and success.