The One Thing Genuinely Happy People Do That Unhappy People Don’t, According To A Manifestation Coach
It's all about perspective.

A manifestation coach revealed an important life revelation that may completely change your outlook on life and your overall destiny.
According to the coach, the happiest people actively engage in a particular mindset shift. He encouraged others to tweak their everyday thinking to experience similar outcomes.
The manifestation coach said that genuinely happy people always look for the positives in life.
Unfortunately, unhappiness has become a regular occurrence in the modern human experience. A 2022 Gallup poll found that about 4 in 10 adults worldwide experience a lot of worry and stress.
Between demanding jobs, engaging in unhealthy habits, and emotionally taxing relationships, some people find it difficult to look on the bright side of things.
However, one manifestation coach is urging people who feel unhappy to start changing their outlook on the things they can change and even some of the things they cannot change in life.
“The one thing that happy people do that unhappy people don't is they understand how reality functions in the way it actually functions,” said Michael, a manifestation coach, in a TikTok video.
The manifestation coach said people who are unhappy often have a negative perception of life.
“Unhappy, negative people think life is a struggle. They struggle to pay their bills, they struggle with their health, and they struggle in their relationships,” Michael said.
According to Michael, people who experience feelings of unhappiness occasionally may have “learned to ride the waves of happiness” when they come along. However, their lives are “full of stress,” and they often spend their free time attempting to drown out their feelings by drinking and partying.
On the other hand, Michael said that people who are generally happy have a more positive outlook on life while also recognizing that things may be harder from time to time.
“People who are happy most of the time are people who are always looking for the positive. They have good health, good relationships, and plenty of money. They know everything is energy, including what they say, think, and feel,” he says.
“They spend 80 to 90% of their attention being the master of what they think, say, and feel, and only when you understand that reality is an environment of expansive well-being do you actually start to get it.”
According to the manifestation coach, one’s well-being is the dominant energy of the ever-expanding universe.
You are a part of this universe. The universe is ever expanding, meaning you are ever expanding (or rather, your perspective on life is ever expanding).
If things begin to look bad for you and you think all is lost, remind yourself that it isn’t.
“You need to do what the universe is doing, which is expanding well-being, and when you start to see reality as a playground for your own expansive well-being, then the opportunities for you, too, expand into well-being,” Michael reports.
You can achieve improved well-being by putting it down in writing, doing daily affirmations, and telling yourself that you have the power to change your life right at your fingertips.
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By aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your goals and desires, you bring them to life in your physical reality.
Focusing on your desires and acting as if you already have them evoke emotions like gratitude, joy, and excitement to help attract similar energies into your life.
Even though the world may seem bleak at times, and it can be difficult to maintain a positive attitude, choosing to actively put your energy toward the things you can improve in life can help you manifest a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment.
Hate your current job? Start applying for new ones. Bored with your relationship? Plan a weekend away with your partner to spice things up.
Whatever it may be, take control of your desires and make them happen!
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.