A Mom Uninvites A Little Girl From Her Daughter’s Birthday Party Via Text — ‘She Gave An Invite To Scarlett On Accident, Sorry’

How would you choose to respond as a mother?

Little girl dancing at her birthday party. gpointstudio / Shutterstock.com

One of the hardest aspects of parenting is watching your child struggle to connect with their peers. But what happens when that bullying is coming from an adult instead of a child?

That's exactly what happened to one little girl, whose mom took to TikTok to express her despair on her daughter's behalf.

“She got invited to a birthday party last week at a roller skating rink…The girl’s mom messaged me to say that she was no longer invited,” the mother, known as @harperandmainllc on TikTok, shared in a since-deleted post. “I understand all kids don’t get invited and that’s fine! I think that the way it was done was rude.”


A mom uninvited a little girl to her daughter’s birthday party after she’d already been given an invitation.

After her daughter begged to have her own 10th birthday party postponed because it fell on the same day as her friend’s roller-skating party, the mom was understandably heartbroken to receive a text saying she had been invited in error.

kids at a roller skating party LightFieldStudios / Canva Pro


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Class birthday parties were the highlight of our social calendars in elementary school. It's understandable that this young girl didn't want to have a conflicting party with her classmate.

However, despite bringing home an invite, this mom had to break the news to her daughter that she could no longer go. Why? Her invite was supposedly given by accident.

The mom said her daughter was asked not to attend the class party because she was given an invitation by accident.

“Hey there,” the mom wrote in a text. “Quin accidentally gave out too many birthday invitations and gave one to Scarlett when she shouldn’t have. Sorry for the confusion.”


Confused as to why she would revoke her invitation so late, especially considering nothing had happened between the girls (in fact, they’d been texting that day), this mom couldn’t help but get frustrated. “Let me say that if my daughter did something wrong to be uninvited, I would rather she told me that,” she explained. “If it was about money, that’s fine. I would’ve paid for my daughter.”

Especially considering their friendship and the fact that she’d already received the invite, she’d hoped the mom would reconsider or, at the very least, give a more honest explanation. According to her daughter’s friend, the reason she was uninvited was because “her mom said that she couldn’t come.”

“Hi, she gave it to her last week,” the mom texted back. “Honestly, it’s a pretty [expletive] thing to do to uninvite a 9-year-old to a birthday party. But no worries, she will not be attending.”


RELATED: Mom Refused To Let ‘Uninvited’ Kid Into Her Daughter’s Birthday Party — Even Though The Child Was Visibly Upset

Uninviting a little girl to a party was not the right way to handle this uncomfortable situation.

There were a million situations and misunderstandings that could’ve caused the invitation to be revoked, but it should have been handled without exclusion.

Not only would it ruin her own birthday weekend, but it’d inevitably cause some resentment in her friendship.

Sad little girl at her birthday party. Lysenko Andrii / Shutterstock.com


While it likely would’ve been difficult for the mom to admit she needed financial help or even an extra chaperone to look over the party, she hoped that she’d be kind enough to ask for it for the sake of her daughter. That seems to be where her anger stemmed from — why purposefully disappoint a little girl? 

Ultimately, whether uninviting the girl was malicious or not, this mom’s experience garnered a great deal of attention in the comments, with many suspecting the other mom to be “a mean girl." 

“Your response is so spot on,” one person wrote. “Even if my kid ‘handed out too many invites,’ I’d still be happy to have all the kids come…You find a way to make it work.”


Sadly, sometimes bullying is learned through observation from adults — intended or not.

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Zayda Slabbekoorn is a News & Entertainment Writer at YourTango who focuses on health & wellness, social policy, and human interest stories.