7 Little Ways Wives Can Receive Love If They're Always The Ones Giving
How to give yourself the love you need.

Receiving… It should be a natural thing for us gals. After all, it's one of our feminine traits. In fact, it's one of our most powerful traits.
It's what activates our desires. It's our ability to attract and then take in the abundance, love, and riches that we want so badly. So why do we have such a problem with it?
I recently had a birthday and during that day, I was so touched by…wait for it…all the Facebook messages of love. I know, I know — Facebook?
Yes, Facebook got to me. It was the hundreds of messages of love, appreciation, and gratitude people were sending me. Just sitting there right in front of me. It was so much energy of love to receive, and it was a great muscle for me to use — the muscle of receiving.
I know you're a conscious, heart-centered lady and I also know which muscle-conscious, heart-centered women use the most. It is the muscle of giving.
Giving and receiving are good for us, even though we might think otherwise. Gifting and receiving can lead to higher dopamine levels, and higher relationship satisfaction, according to one study.
Energetically, when we give give give to the point of depletion and exhaustion — all of our energy is focused out. In a way, we have cut ourselves off from receiving energy in.
As you probably know, feminine energy is one of an inward nature — circular, taking in, intuition. Masculine energy is more outward — action, straight line, bottom line. Neither energies are better than the other, but they must be in balance.
And that's the point. We as women, especially as busy women, have taken on much of the masculine and forgotten about the beauty, the magic, the miracle-making amazingness of the feminine.
Receiving is about taking in, letting in, allowing, and surrendering. It's not about pushing, shoving, fighting, or striving.
The seven ways wives can receive love when they are always the ones giving:
1. Dive deep into the land of desire.
You wanna receive? You have to desire! You have to want from a place of salivating joy, diving deep into the depths of your most juicy wants, and honoring the desires that lay there.
When we are in the constant energetic state of giving, we cannot, do not, and will not have space to tune into our desire. We are then cut off from the very things we want…so how can we receive them?
We don't even acknowledge them. Slow down. Give yourself space. Take some time in the morning or the evening and give yourself some time to explore your desires.
What do you want? Make a list. Read that list. Imagine what it feels like to have those items on the list in your life.
And to all my good girls; as a recovering good girl I have this to say — wanting more does not mean you don't appreciate what you already have. Wanting more and allowing desire to bubble up is the first step to creation.
2. Give to … yourself.
I know. It's a radical idea. We're always giving to someone else — the kids, the hubby, the friends, the business, the vision, the house, etc.
But what if you started giving half as much love, half as much attention, half as much kindness to yourself as you gave to others?
Do you think that would activate the power of receiving in your life? Remember, it's a muscle. One that we, as women, do not use enough.
So come on my sassy sisters, I say this for you as much as I say it for myself. Let's start to practice receiving by giving to ourselves first. We hear it over and over again …
Put the airplane oxygen mask on yourself first. Pay yourself first. You gotta love yourself first. But do we do it?
Here are 7 little ways wives can receive love, if they're always give the giver:
1. Put the kids to bed five minutes early and treat yourself to a hot cup of tea or hot chocolate — don't skimp on the whipped cream.
2. Receive a manicure and say YES to the 5 extra minutes of massage.
3. Take a long walk with nothing but your desires and your dreams to keep you company.
4. Ask your hubby to do the dishes and gift yourself with a rose-petal bath.
Pexels / Vladimir Konoplev
5. Receive a foot massage.
(I just got hip to the $25/hour foot massage spots in LA — it's really a whole body massage w/your clothes on and it is good!)
6. Take some time to write about your desires and why you want what you want.
(Action is super, and it's important to remember your "why.")
7. Join a sisterhood, create community, and spend time in a sacred place of support.
Christina Dunbar has worked as a transformational catalyst and guide for over 10 years. She facilitates circles, retreats, and workshops where women come into greater connection and healing around their voice, visibility, creativity, and expression through writing and speaking their stories.