4 Situations Your ‘Gut Instinct’ Will Give You A Warning About That You Shouldn’t Ignore
Listen to the signals your body sends.

Following your gut is a skill that takes practice to truly master. It's easy to brush off the messages your body sends you, but acknowledging certain cues can radically change your life.
Self-care creator @monknotion suggests there are four specific gut instincts that you should never ignore, as they can help you protect your safety, bolster healthier relationships, and advocate for your well-being.
Here are 4 situations your ‘gut instinct’ will give you a warning about that you shouldn't ignore:
1. Excitement about a new opportunity
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Your gut doesn't just warn you about danger and stress. It can also drive you towards positive prospects.
“Excitement is your intuition's way of saying that something about an opportunity is resonating with your soul,” they wrote. “Don’t allow your logical mind to talk you out of something you feel is deeply aligned for you.”
Don't overthink feelings of excitement. Trust that you are feeling them for a reason.
2. A feeling of danger
Gut instincts warning you of danger can alter the course of your life — yet many of us simply disregard them.
Of course, for those who struggle with anxiety, “trusting yourself” can be complicated. Sometimes what you think are "gut instincts" are really just anxious thoughts urging you to retreat or self-isolate when that’s the last thing you need.
Ask yourself pointed questions when you’re feeling uneasy to determine whether you’re sensing a gut instinct or simply an anxious thought.
“Is this voice trying to serve my basic needs and values? Is listening to this voice helping me or sabotaging me? Is this voice aligned with what’s happening, or is it spiraling away from the present moment?” therapist Logan Cohen questioned in a TikTok.
3. Being drawn to someone
There are always those people in our lives that we can’t help but want to know. Whether it’s their charisma, charm, or personality, they draw us in, keep us engaged, and make us feel heard.
Listen to your gut and get to know them. They are meant to be in your life, even if temporarily. Maybe they will teach you a lesson or guide you in the direction you are meant to go — or maybe they will be the love of your life.
“You’re drawn to people for a reason,” @monknotion wrote. “It might mean their presence serves as a divine purpose. Even if it’s only for a brief encounter or temporary relationship, there’s a reason the universe wants you to collide.”
4. A sense that you’re not well
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Whether it’s physical pain or a mental signal, your gut instinct will often clue you into discomfort before you notice what’s going on. Notice and listen to feelings like nausea, tension, an increased heart rate, a lack of energy, or sweating.
It might be a sign from your gut that something needs to be addressed — whether it’s an illness that medical attention, a toxic relationship affecting your emotional well-being, or simple dehydration.
“Trust your body,” @monknotion added. “It is intelligent.”
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a News & Entertainment Writer at YourTango who focuses on health & wellness, social policy, and human interest stories