Bride Who Designed Her Own ‘Modest’ Wedding Dress Says There’s Nothing ‘Uglier’ Than An Immodest Bride
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Weddings can be divisive events, often influenced by family politics and other people’s opinions. Yet most people agree that a bride should be uplifted and celebrated on her special day — except for one woman who drew ire for her belief that brides should dress in one particular way.
A bride who designed a ‘modest’ wedding dress claimed there’s nothing ‘uglier’ than an immodest bride.
A woman who goes by the name “That Catholic Girl” on TikTok shook the internet with her wedding dress origin story. In a video titled “A Modest Christian Bride,” she proclaimed “We should bring back the trend of modest wedding dresses, these immodest ones that are popular these days are an eyesore.”
She shared her own wedding dress journey with her POV post, explaining, “You embraced Christian modesty and your wedding was coming up, but you hated the immodest wedding dress trend.”
“So, you designed your own wedding dress and had it made for you,” she continued. “And on your big day, you became a testament to the fact that modesty and beauty are compatible.”
Photo: Benigno Hoyuela /Unsplash
“There is nothing uglier than an immodest bride who leaves nothing to the imagination,” she exclaimed.
Her proclamation tied together beauty and modesty while insulting brides who chose to dress differently than her.
The modest bride’s post garnered 17 million views. Most commenters seemed united in their distaste for her controversial opinion and the aesthetic of her wedding dress. Yet her attitude towards others didn’t seem particularly modest or kind, as many people noted in their comments.
“I am Christian, and I got angry seeing this post,” Alexis Smith, a lifestyle coach, said in a reaction video. “I want to apologize to anyone who has ever felt judged or shamed because of a comment like this … True Christianity is about loving God [and] loving other people.”
“Please, don’t feel that this represents Christianity,” she continued, describing her interpretation of the religion as “unconditional love and full acceptance of you.”
Views on modesty and its connection to fashion vary between cultures. For example, Indian women wear sarees that show their bare midriffs, a look that isn’t considered immodest, at all.
To make sweeping statements moralizing the way people, especially women, dress, upholds a rigid worldview that doesn’t hold space for differences.
Influencer Cora Breilein shared her belief that “the worst kinds of people are people who make brides feel ugly on their wedding day.”
“As someone who wore a completely sheer, immodest dress, this is your reminder: This isn’t Christian behavior,” she said. “Anyone who would use Christianity to make women smaller and judge them, especially on their wedding days, is not a Christian, just because they say they are, doesn’t mean they are.”
Breilein holds to the belief that a bride should wear whatever makes her feel like the most beautiful version of herself on her wedding day, whether that’s “a string bikini or a pantsuit.”
Photo: Vivek Baghel / Unsplash
“Your wedding day is about you, and no one else,” she emphasized.
The modest bride made a follow-up post, responding to her own comment claiming “Nowhere did I judge anyone or call out anyone. You all are the ones doing the judging.”
As she explained it, “I decided to address this little issue; I’ll call it a little issue because I think it is just a huge misunderstanding.”
“The comment section was just women bashing me for being judgmental and shaming women who didn’t dress the way I did,” she said. “But nothing could be further from the truth.”
“I didn’t judge anybody unfairly,” she continued. “I didn’t pronounce judgment on anybody. I didn’t call out anybody. I just painted a picture of an extreme. My post is not about judging anyone.”
“I’m just a simple Catholic lady who believes in modesty and preaches modesty,” she explained, overlooking the fact that what fits for one person doesn’t always fit for another.
Photo: Chalo Garcia / Unsplash
“People who accuse me of judging other women are actually the ones doing the judging,” she said. While she’s not entirely wrong, she also declined to take accountability for her own harsh comments directed at other women who present differently from her.
“I understand that not everybody shares my beliefs,” she said. “Not everybody sees things the way I do; not everybody has the same understanding that I have.”
“I made that post to encourage girls [and] future brides who want to dress modestly on their wedding day to do so,” she revealed. “You have options and dressing modestly is a very good option.”
The beauty in life, however, is in its diversity, and what this bride failed to stress was that women especially, need to support each other and stop shaming their differences.
Just as this bride deserves to dress how she wants, other brides do, too. We all deserve to live in a world where the clothes we wear aren’t interpreted as defining our morals or values.
Alexandra Blogier is a writer on YourTango's news and entertainment team. She covers social issues, pop culture, and all things to do with the entertainment industry.