6 Non-Obvious Body Parts Men Adore Just The Way They Are, According To Psychology
You'd be surprised at what he's already obsessed with about you.

When it comes to attraction, having confidence in your body is the ultimate game-changer. According to a 2016 study, men (not surprisingly) tend to fixate on the regions that are reproductively significant on the female body, such as the breasts, the waist, and the hips. And while it’s no secret that men find plenty to admire in women, the truth is that many of the traits they adore most aren’t even the ones we spend hours perfecting. Instead, the naturally beautiful, unique features make us who we are.
From how your eyes look when you talk to him to the way your curves move when you walk, these traits are captivating precisely because they’re you. So, to celebrate and appreciate your body as is, let's look at the female body parts men cherish — not because they’re flawless by societal standards, but because they’re authentically and effortlessly beautiful just the way they are.
Here are the non-obvious body parts men adore just the way they are:
1. Your hair
Dean Drobot | Shutterstock
Although it's commonly thought that most men prefer long hair on women, research from the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology shows that hair length doesn’t affect attractiveness as much as most think. Other research does indicate that men perceive long-haired women as healthier — essentially, it's a visible indicator of overall health and nutrition.
But regardless of how long your hair is grown out, men can't help but love how it smells — they love when they can faintly smell your vanilla-scented shampoo all day. They can't help but stare when it hangs demurely over your eyes, begging to be brushed behind a dainty little ear. The way it shimmers makes it nearly impossible for him to resist running his fingers through it.
2. Your eyes
David Prado Perucha | Shutterstock
As they say, eyes are the windows to the soul. Eye contact builds intimacy and trust. According to a 2018 study, men perceive females who make consistent eye contact more trustworthy and credible.
Debbie Gibson once sang, "I get lost in your eyes." Well, your eyes are pretty mesmerizing, whether or not you've mastered that whole smokey, cat-eye look.
3. Your skin
Andreshkova Nastya | Shutterstock
Women tend to have soft and smooth skin — guys can't take their hands off it. It's one of the reasons men will always prefer intimate time with you to alone time.
Research shows men are especially drawn to smooth, evenly toned skin with a hint of reddish undertones — traits that suggest improved health and fertility. To men, the feel of skin-on-skin just can't be beaten.
4. Your clavicle and the curve of your neck
panophotograph | Shutterstock
Something about the clavicle makes it one of the female body parts men love. Perhaps its concavity makes it perfectly shaped for a quick inhale of our natural scent or a lingering kiss.
5. Your belly button
Maria Markevich | Shutterstock
According to a study from The University of Missouri, men prefer "innie" belly buttons, which are vertically oriented and in a T-shape. Larger belly buttons or outies scored lower on their surveys.
As ladies, we don't understand this one. After all, men have belly buttons, too. Perhaps we're just better at cleaning out the lint. (Kidding! Just kidding!)
6. Your curves
Joshua Seiler | Shutterstock
Over the decades, research has investigated the evolutionary reasons why men are focused on the back-to-tush curve or the waist-to-hip ratio. Although findings are mixed, one thing is certain: men appreciate women's many curves.
The strength in your calves. The small of your back. Your generous hips that shimmy as you walk, and your squeezable behind. Everything about how you're shaped screams yes, please! to the men in your life.
Steph Auteri is a freelance writer and editor. She's been featured in Playgirl, Time Out New York, American Curves, New York Press, Nerve, and other publications.