A 2025 Vision Board Bingo Card Can Make You Part Of The 9% Who Actually Achieve Their New Year’s Goals
A new take on classic vision boards could make actually achieving those New Year's resolutions easier than ever.

A new vision board bingo card is taking the internet by storm as 2025 goal planning and manifestation is in full swing. New Year’s resolutions have become a traditional part of each calendar year for countless people. Every 365 days, many will make a list of goals they have for the new year, covering all areas of life, from wellness to finances to work.
But these goals are not easy to stick to. While New Year’s resolutions are typically made with the best of intentions and with the belief that they will be achieved, a lot of goal-setters find themselves giving up on them pretty early in the year.
While a vision board bingo card is new, making an old-fashioned vision board is often used to manifest goals.
When planning the goals they want to stick to for the new year, many people create a vision board. Vision boards are made by attaching photos, magazine clippings, and more to a bulletin board or poster board. The idea is that the images create the vision you want to have for the year to come.
Africa images | Canva Pro
Vision boards can, of course, be made at any time and for any reason and are not just relegated to New Year’s goals. Regardless, they offer a visual reminder of the resolutions you are fighting hard to keep and help you keep in mind why you chose them in the first place.
Data indicates that vision boards can be a useful tool in helping people reach their goals.
Writing for Psychology Today, Tchiki Davis said, “Although vision boarding is a commonly used tool, there is not a lot of research on its effectiveness. Initial research suggests it can help us more easily reach our goals.”
There may not be much research on vision boards, but that hasn’t stopped people from making them and finding new, creative ways to do so. While traditional vision boards with different pictures and words glued to them are the most popular and common way to create the tool, there are many iterations.
The Bingo Card version of a vision board is a new trend for 2025.
Since vision boards are creative endeavors, they can really take on any form that the creator wishes. There are, of course, no rules. Embracing the spirit of no rules, TikTokers have begun to make vision board bingo cards.
These are made just like regular bingo cards, with a free space in the middle, and all, except the other spaces that surround it, are each filled with a goal for the new year.
TikToker Daisy Marie showed off the vision board bingo cards she and her “bestie” had made together, which included goals like “watch a sunrise” and “run a half marathon.”
Another TikTok creator, Kaylen Faye, shared ideas of what exactly could go on a vision board bingo card, including suggestions for “personal growth,” “professional goals,” “health and fitness,” “financial goals,” and “social and fun.”
Some of Faye’s ideas included “take a spontaneous trip,” “take a walk every day for a month,” and “read 12 books.”
The idea is to take each of your goals for the new year, big or small, and write them in empty spaces on a bingo card, leaving the middle space free. Then, by working to complete your goals, you can see how many times you can get bingo. It’s a fun new take on vision boards that involves more interaction throughout the year. As Daisy Marie demonstrated, it’s also a fun activity to undertake with a friend.
Vision board bingo cards make keeping New Year’s goals a bit easier.
According to Drive Research, only 9% of Americans actually keep the New Year’s resolutions they make, out of three in 10 Americans that actually make a resolution.
Iuliia Pilipeichenko | Pexels
This stark contrast in numbers shows just how difficult goal-setting and keeping can be. But, with something fun like a bingo card version of a vision board to keep handy throughout the year, it’s very possible that you’ll be more motivated to reach your goals and join that 9% — or even increase it.
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer with a bachelor’s degree in English and Journalism who covers news, psychology, lifestyle, and human interest topics.