Single On St. Patrick's Day? 8 Tipsy Dating Tips

8 tips for getting tipsy without hurting your dating game on St. Patrick's Day.

a dunken date

On this St. Patrick's day, we want ye to find a mate.

See that cute, single lad or lass across the bar?

Ay! A pot of gold!

Well, put down the car-bomb and make your way over there. Even if you've had a bit too much, relax and let the ultimate social lubricant work its dating magic.

It is no secret that alcohol and dating share a volatile but intimate relationship. In fact, for the most part the two go hand-in-hand. The key is to reach a level of intoxication that has you feeling loose and confident, not nauseated and belligerent. (Read: don't stumble over there and grab his crotch or bellow in her ear.) 5 Signs Drinking Is Hurting Your Dating Life


Because despite your previous finding-true-love-at-a-bar experiences, sometimes two people actually DO meet when they're drunk and manage to form a connection that lasts longer than a hangover. Who knows, maybe that guy over there with the green party beads who's doing a shot of Jameson is your soul mate.

So we've compiled a few dating tips to help you make a drunken connection that won't damage your dignity.

1. Slow Down There, Champ

Nobody will want anything to do with you if your blood alcohol count is written on your forehead. That means make sure to drink an amount that will leave you coherent and in full control of your limbs and bodily functions. Indulge too much, and any decent potential mate will bolt at the sight of you. Nobody wants your dinner on their pants.


2. Travel In Packs

There is nothing more awkward than having to entertain a lonely friend while you're chatting up a potential lover. (You can't always count on the presence of a dutiful wingman/woman.) So go out in a group of more than two, to ensure that your best friend isn't in a corner doing shots alone.

3. Remember Details

We hate it when a guy asks us our name, where we're from, etc. and then Tommy Lee Jones comes by and erases his memory and he asks it all again. Not only is it frustrating, and a clear indicator that you're completely wasted, but it conveys that you're not really that interested. So even if you're feeling that last Guinness, don't ask a question if you don't think you'll remember the answer.


4. Touch

In a totally non-creepy way, touch his arm while you're laughing, or put your hand on her back to guide her through a crowd. These small but meaningful gestures let the other person know that you're interested and increase sexual tension. Just don't overdo it. 3 Secrets To Exuding Sexy

5. Don't Complain

When you first meet someone try to be as positive as you can without sounding like a Care Bear. We know that a few drinks can work like a truth serum, but when your job comes up don't go on about how desperately you hate it, or that your roommate is a slob, or that your ex is a freak. Keep the first interaction light if you want there to be a second.


6. Make Eye Contact

Even if there is a leprechaun break-dancing on the bar, be sure to make a good amount of eye contact with your potential beau. It doesn't always come naturally to some people, but it's a sure-shot way to pique his interest and make an impression. There is nothing more confusing than trying to talk to someone who's looking at their drink, their friends, or the door; anywhere but at you.

7. Easy On The Saliva


If you're both feeling tipsy and you've got a good vibe going, more likely than not you will end up making out at the bar. HOORAY! But before you get too excited remember that you're in public. Yes, you're both drunk and it feels so good, but please, for your sake and the sake of onlookers…just cool it. Keep things PG-13 or chances are that one of you will be too embarrassed to see the other person again. How To Kiss Well

8. Leave Some Mystery

As tempting as it might be, try your best not to go home with him after a night of binge drinking and lip locking. If you did manage to forge a connection with your lad it is best to leave him wanting more. If he's worth your time, his curiosity will be piqued and he will contact you within a few days. Doing It With A Drunk
