The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On February 8, 2023

Real talk.

The 3 Zodiac Signs With Rough Horoscopes On February 8, 2023 JeffKwon from Getty Images, Glowonconcept and Dean Drobot via Canva Pro

Sorry to say, not everyone will have the best horoscopes on February 8, 2023. There are a few transits taking place that will lend themselves to rougher than usual horoscopes for three zodiac signs in astrology.

In the same way that many of us will be successfully navigating a learning curve in our romantic lives, today's transit, Moon opposite Venus gives us the idea that we can learn and grow, OR remain stubborn and end up learning very little.


This transit, Moon opposite Venus, gives us both a lucky and a rough day in love. Depending on what zodiac signs we are, we'll either ride it out, or we'll fall to the curb.

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It's interesting to see how the same set of cosmic circumstances can lead two different zodiac signs to two different outcomes. While we know Venus transits are generally geared towards love-related options, today's transit will have us concentrating on what we do not like about our partner.

We may be right, or we may be wrong; the only thing that influences our lives today, February 8, 2023, is what we decide to DO about our take on things. If we find something wrong with our relationships, for example, we may act precipitously and end it. Beware: ending it is not the right move.


Because emotions run high today, we have to keep a handle on impulsive and irrevocable behavior. If we feel like the only way we can communicate with our lovers, today, is by yelling at them, we have to know that this is not only a poor choice but one that makes things worse.

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We don't want to break up, so let's think before we tear someone's head off today. Keep the peace if possible, and if you must speak, then try to watch your words words are very useful as weapons, and fighting words sincerely do not belong in a romance.

The three zodiac signs with rough horoscopes on February 8, 2023:

1. Taurus

(April 20 - May 20)


During the transit moon opposite Venus, on February 8, 2023, some of the old resentments you have may rise to the surface. Generally, you get along very, very well with your personality, and the 'gist' of it is that you both know you're 'made for each other' and will totally 'get married' someday, maybe. Here's the thing; even though your relationship is really good, you've swept a couple of things under the rug — things that bother you to your core.

Being that you don't want to start trouble, you usually keep things to yourself, but today during Moon opposite Venus, you'll want to vent yourself free, meaning, it's time you spoke up. You feel as though something your partner did was terribly unfair to you, and being that this issue didn't evaporate into thin air, it seems to be begging you to mention something. Today is the day you bring up that forbidden subject.

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2. Leo

(July 23 - August 22)


It's a rough day for you because even though you see that your partner seems to be going out of their way to make sure you both have an excellent and loving day, you are simply not in the mood for their charades. Wow, that takes their efforts down a notch or ten thousand, doesn't it? You are the ultimate buzzkill today, Leo; you don't leave anyone with a shred of hope.

Who knows, maybe you'll be in a more amicable mood tomorrow and you'll let people slide, but during Moon opposite Venus, you are all about the adverse, the opposing; you will fight the love of your life simply because it feels like a cool thing to get into.

You don't see this 'fight' as anything more than playful, and in a way, you might be right. However, during Moon opposite Venus, it's going to be very hard to find someone who enjoys this kind of play fight.

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3. Libra

(September 23 - October 22)

What causes today to feel less than golden for you, Libra, all revolves around perceived coldness. What this means is that because you feel like spending time on your own today, you'll end up hurting someone else's feelings because they take your coldness to mean rejection.

Yes, it's their ego, and not yours, but that doesn't mean it's going to get any easier because of that realization. That's how Moon opposite Venus; it creates an atmosphere of conflict, where there really isn't one.


But perceived conflict is just about the same as the real thing, and unfortunately, you are the one who will be misunderstood and misread on this day, February 8, 2023. Try to be kind to people, Libra; you'll get your alone time, but you may have to break free in order to make it happen.

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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.