Parents Accused Of Performing Series Of 'Exorcisms' On Adopted Son, Resulting In Tragedy

The parents also recorded the exorcisms.

Skylar Wilson Facebook

A North Carolina couple is facing criminal charges following the tragic death of their four-year-old adopted son.

The parents allegedly subjected the young boy to abuse including food restriction, restraining and even performing exorcisms on him. 

Four-year-old Skylar Wilson died after his parents attempted an ‘exorcism’ on him. 

On January 5, 41-year-old Joseph Wilson received a text message from how wife, 38-year-old Jodi Wilson at 5:30 pm, claiming that there was a “problem” with the “swaddling” technique she was using on four-year-old Skylar. 


According to a search warrant obtained from Fox 8, Jodi had texted a photo to her husband of Skylar “wrapped up in a sheet or a blanket face-down on the Wilsons’ living room floor with duct tape attaching him to the floor.” 

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Joseph called 911 shortly after 8 pm to report that his son was having a seizure. First responders arrived to rush the unresponsive toddler to a hospital. 


Tragically, Skylar passed away as a result of his injuries on January 9. 

While on the phone with authorities, a detective overheard a woman’s voice saying, “it’s my fault,” according to WFMY. 

It was later reported by a physician that Skylar’s death was a result of a “hypoxic brain injury,” which occurs when oxygen flow is restricted to the brain. 

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A former foster parent of Skylar’s reported the couple to the Department of Social Services after admitting that they performed ‘exorcisms’ on children. 

The foster parent formerly cared for Skylar and his brother. According to the parent, Jodi Wilson had told her that she and her husband subjected their two biological children and two adopted children to various forms of abuse, including food restriction, swaddling, and exorcisms. 


An exorcism is a spiritual practice of ridding demons or bad entities from a person believed to be possessed by them. 

The parent reported the Wilsons to the Department of Social Services just a month before Skylar’s death. 

During a search warrant of the Wilson’s home, authorities discovered “wrist and ankle support straps/braces” and cameras stashed in a tote bag in the basement. 

Footage of the abuse was captured on the cameras, including the incident that resulted in Skylar’s death. 

Court documents revealed that the couple had learned the “swaddling” technique from a woman named Nancy Thomas. 

“I am shocked and saddened to hear the sad news of this little one passing away," Thomas said of Skylar’s death. "Since I have no knowledge of the incident, I am unable to give a comment. I am willing to assist law enforcement if they have any questions.” 


“Swaddling” is a technique used to help babies and toddlers sleep and involves wrapping them tightly in a blanket. 

Joseph and Jodi Wilson were taken into custody on January 13. 

The couple were charged with the death of their four-year-old son and are being held without bond at the Surry County Detention Center. Their other children were taken into custody by social services. 

They are due back in court on February 2. 

Skylar’s former foster mother described him as a social butterfly with a big heart. 

“He was so tiny and small but had a heart three times bigger than he was,” she told Fox8. “He loved playing with his siblings and just loved being around people.” 


She was heartbroken to learn that the little boy that she once cared for had been abused at his new home. 

“It physically hurts,” she says. “I know that I can’t change a lot, but if I could rewind time knowing what I know now, it would be a different story.” 

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Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.