3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On September 11, 2021

Trust your gut, not the dialogue.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Rough Day On September 11, 2021 song_about_summer/Shutterstock.com

While many are finding peace and resolve this Saturday, some will be facing conflicts that they didn’t know needed addressing, especially three zodiac signs who will have a rough day.

The Moon in Scorpio becomes square with Jupiter in Aquarius, provided a day that may be more of a fight than some are ready for.

Which three zodiac signs will have a rough day on September 11, 2021, according to astrology?

For many, they may be finding difficulties in regards to their love life. Cheating can be exposed as well as severe unhappiness that may have been repressed.


It appears as though many things will come to a boiling point and be spoken out of anger without thinking through the words slipping from their lips. These are vulnerable times.

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You may be seeing through people’s promises on this day too and find that the commitments they once promised you are truly cheap.

There will be some people who promise the world, the universe and guarantee perfection with you.

Meanwhile, they are shoving as much as they can say at you without backing it up.

Be cautious not to be deceived by easy words from people who have a history of not being able to support their claims or follow through.


While people do make mistakes, this is someone who is simply seeking something from you without any reciprocation.

Zodiac signs who will be having a rough day on September 11, 2021:

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus, take caution with the rough day that lies ahead. You are susceptible to being gullible today and easily swayed by people who don’t have their best interest at heart for you.

This may feel as though it is one small error in your way, but this has the potential to domino into sheer chaos for you.

You’re dropping the ball.

You may find yourself on an uneven playing field today, stumbling around and trying to find your footing. You are likely to be clumsier than usual.


This is heightened by your stubbornness, so instead of growing, you’re more likely to continue making mistakes.

It will not serve you to be stuck in your ways today. Be open to admitting when you’re making mistakes.

It is also never too late to back out of deals that start feeling uncomfortable for you. Whatever the cost, it is worth protecting your energy and mind over, every time.

Don’t undervalue yourself. Keep steady and be sure not to fall for promises that seem too good to be true; likely when this happens it’s because they are veils of fabricated truth, not golden opportunities.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini, if you wish to rewrite your misfortune, your best course of action is to own up to any mistakes you may have made and come clean with the people you may have hurt, even if it wasn’t your intention.

You must right your wrongs on September 11, and Saturday is a good day to start.

There is no success in continuing forward with a path that you have already caused destruction, and being honest about the pain you have inflicted will be so worth it in the end.

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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio, you must be careful of who you speak to today. There are false friends in your midst and you are prone to be betrayed by someone who truly wasn’t yours, to begin with. This is not a day that is great for confessions or keeping your lips loose.


You must share what you’re going to with others and often you may find it difficult to. However, if someone who hasn’t felt like a secure person in the past comes to you to tell you that you can trust them, don’t fall for the easy words.

There are better people around you who can listen to your stories, your emotional turmoil, and your grief and help you digest the conflict that may be plaguing you. However, these are intimate details that can help someone cause you harm.

Keep yourself protected. If someone has betrayed you in the past there is a likelihood that their crimes will repeat themselves. People change, but if they haven’t shown you how or given any evidence, then they likely haven’t changed enough.

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Tea Jones is a tarotist, psychic, and certified Level III Reiki Master Practitioner who writes about spirituality, witchcraft, tarot, and divination.