3 Zodiac Signs Who Need A Change In Their Relationships During The Moon Opposite Uranus Starting September 11, 2021

If you have an argument - don't make it into a war.

3 Zodiac Signs Who Need Change In Their Relationships Starting September 11, 2021 Gerhald/Shutterstock.com

There's nothing wrong with seeing that things can no longer be the same, and for three zodiac signs who need a change in their relationships, this is the case starting September 11, 2021 when the Moon is opposite of Uranus in Taurus.

The Moon Opposite Uranus, starting September 11, is one helluva transit to be dealing with, and if we're not emotionally blown out of the water by it, then we can consider ourselves survivors.


Because this one, friends, is an overhaul, and if our Zodiac sign happens to be one of the select few that should really feel the Moon in the zodiac sign of Scorpio opposite Uranus transit intensely, then fasten your seatbelts; it's going to be a bumpy transit.

In love, we will lose our balance - meaning, we may take words the wrong way, and actions too far.

This is also a far-reaching event because whatever we do now has repercussions - and interestingly enough, on the positive side of things - we may just find ourselves creating a new environment for an old love.


It may become quite obvious to Taurus, Gemini, and Sagittarius during the Moon in Scorpio that our relationships needed a change, and if we play this transit right, we could end up benefiting, in terms of love and longevity in a relationship.

What's most important here is how we deal with the idea of change, and of the change itself. What can be thwarted by Moon Opposite Uranus is mainly your emotional state.

Now, that's a huge area - and so it's time for you to put everything into perspective; if you have an argument - don't make it into a war.

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If you disagree with your spouse, don't head for divorce court - and if you even slightly feel like you can work things out with a clear head, then, by all means, take that route.


Do what you can to level out; You may feel emotionally scattered, but it's a temporary state, so don't do anything that will jeopardize the relationship permanently.

Zodiac signs who need a change in their relationships during the Moon opposite Uranus starting September 11, 2021:

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

In your case, Taurus - yes, emotions will rise, and no, they won't be so off the chain that they become irrevocable.

When you realize that you have the power to effect a change in your relationship, you will more than likely feel ready to express this with your partner, who, in turn, will accept your ideas readily.

You are someone who tends to act impulsively; oftentimes this has gotten you into trouble, but you also tend to trust your impulsive nature - and the person you are presently involved with, and so, even with this precarious transit looming large in all of our lives, you will go with your instincts and find out that they do work for you.


You are lucky - you have a partner who wants and greet change with an open heart. What may seem 'nervy' right now, is going to pay off for you in the long run. Trust your gut, Taurus - change is coming, and you are the one to make it so.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

You have worked very hard to maintain your relationship; you've been through thick and thin with this person, and after all, you've gone through together - you want it to work. Failure is not an option, and if there's one lesson you've gathered over all this time, it's to communicate honestly and get to the point.

You will be experiencing yet another hurdle in your love life, and you may even think these little tests never end - and they might possibly not, but that doesn't mean you can't get through them.


You are not alone, Gemini, even in your thinking. You have earned the right to work with this relationship and bring about change - if needed. And, needed it is.

Your relationship is a work in progress, and the two of you understand that it's not all sunshine and roses, in fact, after all, you've been through, you can rest on your laurels, knowing that there's nothing the two of you can't get through. Moon Opposite Uranus works for you, not against you.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

What you're going to have to watch, in yourself - and in your partner, during Moon Opposite Uranus, is the tendency to overreact and become dramatic over nothing.


Maybe you want to stir the pot, and you don't know how to bring about that kind of change, nor do you even know what it is you wish to change...all you know is that something has to give, and if you don't figure out what it is soon, you'll go out of your mind.

This may bring about passive-aggressive behavior; don't be surprised if you start a fight - for no reason at all. What you're looking for is attention, proof of life, so to speak - an affirmation that the person you are in a relationship with is actually present.

You can no longer tolerate a phone-in relationship, though you still can't put your finger on exactly what's wrong here.


Rather than go all 'rebel without a cause' on your partner, use those brilliant Sagittarius communication skills and sit down with them and TALK. Conflict isn't necessary here - change is. You'll be OK. 

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 

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