Who Is Jon Peters' Fiancé, Julia West? Pamela Anderson's Ex Already Engaged To Another Woman After 12-Day Marriage

He jumped Julia West for Pamela Anderson then dumped Pamela Anderson for Julia West,

Who Is Jon Peters' Fiancé, Julia West? Pamela Anderson's Ex Already Engaged To Another Woman After 12-Day Marriage

Just as we think there is nothing Hollywood can do to surprise us in the way of weird marriages, here comes a story that knocks our jaded socks off. This time it's the strange and brief nuptials of producer Jon Peters, 74, and actress Pamela Anderson, 52.

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The pair have known each other since the 1980s and even had some romantic involvement back then. But Anderson reportedly decided to take it to the next level this January when she proposed to Peters, who ditched his then-fiancé Julia West for his old flame. The couple raced down the aisle on January 20 and then got to work using his money to pay off some of her debts. But after the banking was done, Peters started to have second thoughts. In a long series of texts, he confessed to Anderson that he didn't want to be married to her after all. He cited his desire for a quiet life and not wanting to travel to her home in Canada frequently. She acquiesced and then presumably handed everything off to lawyers to figure out.


Now Peters has resumed his relationship with his pre-Anderson fiancè saying everything is fine despite him running off to get married and divorced 12 days later. This all begs the question: Who is the woman Peters ditched in the first place, who he's now engaged to? Who is Jon Peters' fiancé, Julia West?

1. Who is John Peters?

Peters started out as a hairstylist to the stars in the 1970s before breaking into movie production. He was the force behind A Star Is Born — the one in 1976 starring Barbra Streisand, as well as the 2018 remake with Lady Gaga — and other films including Rain Man, Ali, Caddyshack, and the 1989 Batman. At one point, Peters was a Hollywood gossip staple, thanks in part to a 12-year long affair he had with Streisand, but in recent years he has stayed out of the limelight. Until recently.

2. Peters and Anderson actually go way back.

The quickie wedding wasn't based on a momentary infatuation. Peters actually met Anderson in the mid-80s, before she became a big star. “I walked in and saw this little angel sitting at the bar. It was Pammy. She was like 19. I knew she would be a big star," he recalled in an interview. "We ended up living together. Of course, Hefner loved her and saw her beauty. Pamela was a girl who with no makeup was gorgeous. She was very smart and very talented. I tried to talk her out of doing Playboy. I said, “Don’t do Playboy. Focus on a serious career.” She said, “You’re nuts.” She wanted to do Playboy and she went on to do 13 covers.”

Their relationship didn't last and they both went on to marry multiple times. 



A post shared by solofamososv (@solofamososv) on Feb 14, 2020 at 6:51am PST

Peters and Anderson.

3. Peters carried a torch for Anderson for years after that.

Peters and Anderson stayed in touch over the years, though friends say it was mainly texts. “It was always a slightly bizarre relationship. They have been close for decades, but she only spoke by text, never on the phone,” a source close to Anderson says. The source didn't say if the pair was close in the years before texting was invented or if they had flings in the interim. 


Even despite the casual nature of the relationship, Peters says she still had feelings for her. “There are beautiful girls everywhere. I could have my pick, but for 35 years I’ve only wanted Pamela," he gushed right after their wedding. "She makes me wild in a good way. She inspires me. I protect her and treat her the way she deserves to be treated.”

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4. Anderson and West bear a resemblance.

Peters' pre-Pam fiancé is also a beautiful girl. In fact, we can't help noticing that she looks a lot like Anderson did in her Playboy heyday. West even has a Playboy connection, having appeared on an episode of the Playboy Mansion reality series The Girls Next Door

But Peters was willing to jilt the Anderson doppelganger for the real thing when Anderson suggested nuptials. “Needless to say that when [Pam] texted me that she wanted to get married, it was kind of a dream come true," Peters said. "Even though I was engaged to someone else [at the time] and the lady was moving in.”



A post shared by Julia Faye West (@juliafayewest) on Feb 9, 2020 at 12:10pm PST

West bears more than a passing resemblance to Anderson.

4. West seems more chill than Anderson.

Anderson is known for her wild ways. She has been married to musicians Tommy Lee and Kid Rock as well as professional poker player Rick Salomon. In recent years, she hasn't been acting or modeling but still courts the spotlight with her work as an animal rights activist and hanging out with Julian Assange before his arrest and expulsion from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London. She apparently also has a stake in a lifestyle brand website called Jasmine, that bills itself as sex-positive but which Peters said "scared me."


West, on the other hand, says she is also trying to build a lifestyle brand but she's less about sex and more about nutrition and wellness, as she's studying to be a health and wellness coach. "I see humanity moving into more consciousness as a collective, which also means 'healthy is the new hot!' I’m here to help spread the word and raise awareness. I look forward to bringing value along with love and laughter, which truly is the best medicine," West says of her future plans.

5. She took Peters back after his short martial fling.

In the weeks that followed the 12-day marriage, Peters has indicated that he and West are back together, though he's in no rush to head down the aisle again. He and West are together but not engaged and as he puts it, they are "all good." She even appeared at his side as he rang the NASDAQ closing bell this week.

6. Who is Jon Peters' fiancé, Julia West?

Right now there's little bit conflicting information about who this very tolerant woman is. A few outlets have identified her as Julia Bernheim but we couldn't find anything to back that up. Other outlets report that he's involved with Julia Faye West, an actress and model, who is 35 years old and has an extensive resume. She grew up in Wisconsin, where she did theatre through high school. She came west to attend USC and studied acting.  West has been working in Hollywood for years, most recently appearing in a movie called Reality Queen with Denise Richards. 


No word on whether West still plans to move in with Peters.

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Rebekah Kuschmider has been writing about celebrities, pop culture, entertainment, and politics since 2010. She is the creator of the blog FeminXer and she is a cohost of the weekly podcast The More Perfect Union.